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一開始是留言信箱的報時﹕「送出,星期四,5點21分」,之.. 翻译

一開始是留言信箱的報時﹕「送出,星期四,5點21分」,之後是長達10秒的哭泣聲,聲音聽起來應該是個男人,但咬字不清 更多: ,只能聽到一連串的「嗚嗚嗚」,之後再是長10秒鐘的哭泣。最後十秒又繼續一段很模糊的男性聲音,聽到「不要、我不要死、不要死在這?」。一分鐘到了,語音自動切斷。錄音的時間,則是今年5月30日,即華航罹難者頭七的前一天。
Began as a voice mail chime: "Submit, Thursday, 5:21", followed by cries of up to 10 seconds, the sound should be a man, but the pronunciation was unclear, only to hear a series of "hum Woo 更多: , "and then 10 seconds long cry. The last 10 seconds and continue a very vague male voice, I heard "Do not, I will not die, do not die in this?" One minute, the voice is automatically cut off. The recording time is May 30 this year, China Airlines victims of the first seven, the day before.

Began as voice mail chime: "sent out Thursday, 5:21", for as long as 10 seconds after weeping, sounds should be a man, but articulation isn't clear, only to hear a series of "Woo-OOO" 更多: , long after 10 seconds of crying. Last ten seconds went on to a faint male voice, heard "do not, and I don't want to die, does not die in this?". One minute is up, automatic voice cut off. Recording time was on May 30 this year, namely China Airlines the first seven of the victims of the previous day.

Beginning with a voice mail Time: "sent 4 weeks, five-point," 21, followed by the 10 seconds of crying sound, Voice sounded should be a man, but pronunciation was unclear, 只 to hear a series of "Brrfoo" after that 更多: , as long 10 seconds crying.Final 10 seconds to a very vague male voice, heard "do not, I don't died, don't died in this? ." A minute to the speech automatically cut off. Recording of time, is on 30 May this year, the China Airlines and 7 victims on the day before.


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