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3)二层合金化镀锌板钢板 合金化镀锌板在涂漆时易发.. 翻译

3)二层合金化镀锌板钢板 合金化镀锌板在涂漆时易发生气泡等涂膜缺陷,新日铁研制出二层合金化镀锌板钢板。该二层合金化镀锌板钢板镀锌层的构成,在钢板底层进行热镀10%FeZn合金层,其锌附着量5年防锈蚀用30g/m2,10年防锈蚀用60g/m2,其上层则采用电镀锌富铁80%FeZn层,其附着量为3g/m*2。实验结果表明,新研制二层合金化镀锌板钢板, 4)差厚锌层 用控制气刀压力的方法,常常使两面镀锌层厚度差比为1:3。这样锌层厚的一面耐蚀性好,薄的一面焊接性好,这个品种常用于制造。 5)单面镀层 单面锌层即一面镀一定的锌层厚度,而另一面不镀锌的镀锌板板。单面镀锌板板的生产方法有疏锌法、直接法、间接法和双层分离法。单面镀锌板板主要用于制造,有锌层的面防腐,无锌层的面有利于点焊。由于合金化板(锌-铁合金)具备良好的焊接性,所以单面镀锌板已逐步被淘汰。 2.镀锌板基板的发展现状 板镀锌板机组以生产外板为重点,生产规格板厚多在0.6~1.2mm之间 更多: ,板宽多为800~1850mm,最宽可达到2000mm。产品级别相当复杂,从CQ、DQ、DDQ、EDDQ(IF),到BH、DP、TRIP等用高强度钢板。通过采用多种先进技术,使镀层形貌、厚度精度等得到精确控制,如镀层厚度误差小于2~3g/m2。通过采用无铅镀锌可生产无锌花钢板,这种镀层不易产生晶间腐蚀,使用寿命长,适用于和电器行业。日本几乎每套镀锌板机组都设置了锌铁合金化炉,锌铁合金化镀层板(Galavneal)标准镀锌层厚度为双面160~180g/m2,合金镀层含Fe8%~12% [2]。 现将目前开发出的镀锌板基板的种类和性能分述于下。 6) IF钢合金化镀锌板 采用优质的沸腾钢和镇静钢难以生产适合冲压成型要求苛刻的镀锌板。为此上世纪70年代出现了IF钢(无间隙原子钢),它具有极好的冲压成型性,它从而适应于的内、外面板。IF钢具有优异的深冲性能,可满足大部分难冲压件的冲压要求,因而正在逐渐取代08AL系列的用钢,目前国外已经在DDQ极钢板上大量应用了IF钢。各高强度钢也是在IF钢的基础上,通过添加Mo、Cu、P等元素来生产的。
3) two-alloyed galvanized sheet steel Alloyed galvanized plate painting prone to bubbles and coating defects, Nippon Steel developed a two-story-alloyed galvanized sheet steel. The Layer alloying composition of the galvanized layer of galvanized sheet steel, the bottom of the steel sheet the redu 10% fezn alloy layer, the adhesion amount of the zinc anti-corrosion with 30g/m2, 10 anti-corrosion with 60g/m2, its The upper layer using the electro-galvanized iron-rich 80% FeZn layer, the adhesion amount of 3g / m * 2. The experimental results show that the newly developed Layer alloyed galvanized plate steel 4) Poor thick zinc layer Often make the thickness of the galvanization layer on both sides with a method to control the pressure of the gas knife, a differential ratio of 1:3.This zinc thickness side corrosion resistance, thin good weldability, this species commonly used in manufacturing. 5) single-sided coating Sided zinc layer i.e. side to the thickness of the layer of zinc-plated, while the other side is not galvanized galvanized plate board. Sided galvanized plate board production methods sparse zinc method, direct method, the indirect method and the double separation. The single-sided galvanized plate board is mainly used in the manufacture of zinc coating surface anti-corrosion, the surface of the zinc layer conducive spot welding. Alloying plate (zinc - iron alloy) with good weldability, so one-sided galvanized sheet has gradually be eliminated. 2. The development status of the galvanized substrate Plate galvanized sheet unit to focus on the production of the outer plate,Production specifications sheet thickness between 0.6 ~ 1.2mm, width to 800 ~ 1850mm, the widest reach 2000mm. Product level is quite complex, cq, dq 更多: , ddq, eddq (if), to bh, dp, trip, with high strength steel. The coating morphology, thickness accuracy by using a variety of advanced technology, precise control of coating thickness error is less than 2 ~ 3g/m2. Through the use of lead-free galvanized can produce spangle steel, this coating is not easy to produce intergranular corrosion, long service life, applicable to and appliance industries. Japan almost each set of galvanized sheet units are set to the zinc-iron alloy furnaceThe standard galvanized thickness of zinc-iron alloy layers each board (galavneal) for double-sided 160 ~ 180g/m2, alloy coating containing fe8% to 12% [2]. Now be developed galvanized substrate type and performance are described in the following. 6) if alloyed galvanized sheet steel Boiling steel and sedation steel quality is difficult to produce suitable for stamping molding demanding galvanized sheet. To this end, in the 1970s if steel (interstitial free steel), it has excellent press formability, to accommodate in the inner and outer panels. if the steel has excellent deep-drawing performance, to meet the requirements of the most difficult stamping parts stamping,Thus being gradually replaced by of 08al series of steel abroad has been a large number of applications on ddq pole steel if steel. Each of the high-strength steel but also on the basis of the IF steel, by adding elements such as mo, cu, p to produce.

3) two-layer alloy galvanized sheet steel Alloy galvanized sheet in paint-prone coating defects such as bubbles, Nippon Steel develops two-layer alloy galvanized sheet steel. The second floor of alloying composition of zinc-plated layer of galvanized steel plate, plate underlying hot-dip 10%FeZn alloy layer, its zinc attachment 5 years 30g/m2,10 years for protection against rust corrosion 60g/m2, its upper-class electro-galvanized iron-rich 80%FeZn is used, its attachment to 3G/m*2. Experimental results show that the second floor of the newly developed alloy galvanized sheet steel, 4) poor thick zinc layer Air knife pressure control method, often resulting in poor thickness of zinc coating on both sides than 1:3.Good corrosion resistance of zinc layer thickness, thin side weld is good, this variety is commonly used for manufacturing. 5) single-sided coating Single side of certain zinc plating for zinc layer thickness, while the other side is not galvanized galvanized steel plate. Production of galvanized steel plate on one side there are soothing zinc method, direct method and indirect method and double separation method. Single sided galvanized sheet plate is mainly used for manufacturing, surface corrosion protection for zinc, zinc-free floor surface conducive to the spot. Due to the alloy plates (Zn-Fe alloy) with good weldability, single sided galvanized sheet has gradually been eliminated. 2. Current status of galvanized steel base plate Plate zinc-plated Board Unit to focus on the production of plate,Production specification sheet thickness 0. 6~1. 2mm, strip width and mostly 800~1850mm, and the breadth up to 2000mm. Product level is a complex through CQ, DQ 更多: , DDQ, and EDDQ (IF), to high strength steel plate for BH, DP, TRIP etc. Through the use of advanced technology, topography, thickness accuracy with precise control of coating, such as coating thickness error of less than 2~3G/m2. Through the use of lead-free zinc plating production without zinc flower plate, this kind of intergranular corrosion coating difficult to produce, long service life, applies and electrical industry. Japan almost each galvanized sheet unit sets the Zn-Fe alloy furnace,Plate of Zn-Fe alloy coating (Galavneal) standard zinc plating layer thickness of double-sided 160~180g/m2, alloy coated with Fe8%~12%[2]. The current development of galvanized sheet and type of substrate performance as described below. 6) of IF steel alloy galvanized sheet Quality of rimmed steel and killed steel is difficult to produce galvanized sheet suitable for stamping demanding. IF occurred during this century 70 steel (Interstitial-free steels), it has excellent stamping formability, it so as to adapt to the internal and external panels. IF steel has excellent deep-drawing performance, can meet the most difficult stamping press requirements,Thus gradually replacing steel for 08AL series, currently abroad have been applied very heavily plate DDQ IF steels. High strength steels is also on the basis of IF steels by adding elements such as Mo, Cu, p to produce.

3) second alloying galvanized sheet steel alloying galvanized sheet in the paint easily happen bubble film coating defects, Nippon steel developed second alloying galvanized sheet steel. The second alloying galvanized sheet steel galvanized layer structure, in the steel plate bottom on hot dip 10% FeZn alloy layer,The zinc attached quantity 5 years corrosion for 30 g/m2, 10 years corrosion with 60 g/m2, its upper, the use of the electric galvanized iron rich 80% FeZn layer, the amount of attachment for 3 g/m * 2. The experimental results show that, the new development second alloying galvanized sheet steel plate, 4) differential thick zinc layer use control air knife pressure method,Often make two sides galvanized layer thickness difference ratio of 1:3. Such zinc layer thickness side corrosion resistance good, thin side welding sex good, this species is often used in the manufacture of. 5) single coating single zinc layer, the side plating certain zinc layer thickness, and the other side not galvanized steel plate.Single galvanized plate production methods have hydrophobic zinc method, direct method and indirect method and double separation. Single galvanized plate is mainly used in the manufacture of, have zinc layer surface anticorrosion, no zinc layer surface is helpful to spot welding. Because of alloying plate (zinc, iron alloy) have good weldability, so single galvanized sheet has gradually be eliminated. 2. Galvanized sheet base plate development present situation plate galvanized sheet unit to produce plate as the focal point, the production specification plate thickness in 0.6 ~ 1.2 mm, plate width is 800 ~ 1850 mm, the most wide can be up to 2000 mm. The product level is very complex 更多: , from CQ, DQ, DDQ, EDDQ (IF), to BH, DP,TRIP etc high strength steel plate. Through the use of a variety of advanced technology, make plating morphology, thickness accuracy and so on obtains the accurate control, such as coating thickness error less than 2 ~ 3 g/m2. Through the use of lead-free galvanized can produce no spangles steel plate, this kind of coating not easy the creation intergranular corrosion and long service life, applicable to and electrical industry.Japan almost every galvanized sheet unit installed zinc iron alloy chemical furnace, zinc iron alloy chemical coating plate (Galavneal) standard galvanized layer thickness for double 160 ~ 180 g/m2, alloy coating containing Fe8 % ~ 12% [2]. is now at present and development of a galvanized sheet base plate type and performance points above next. 6) IF steel alloying galvanized sheet adoption superior quality of rimming steel and killed steel is difficult to production suitable for stamping forming requirements harsh galvanized sheet. Therefore the 1970 s saw the emergence of IF steel (no interstitial steel), it has excellent stamping formability, it in order to adapt to the inner and outside plate.IF steel has excellent deep drawing performance, can meet most difficult stamping parts stamping requirements, and is gradually replace 08 al series of steel, at present abroad have been DDQ pole plate on a large number of application of IF steel. The high strength steel is in the basis of IF steel, by adding Mo, Cu, P element to production.


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