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你好!我是若伊。今年11岁。今天是9月12日,也是我的生.. 翻译

你好!我是若伊。今年11岁。今天是9月12日,也是我的生日。所以我今天早上很早起床,在7.00就起床了。 我最喜欢季节是秋天 更多: ,因为我的生日在秋天。我们全家人在今天去郊游。我们去动物园。 哦!看,那只猴子在吃香蕉,而我为猴子拍照。我的爸爸在旁边搜集树叶。我妈妈在看猴戏。之后
Hello! If Iraq. 11 years old this year. Today is September 12th is my birthday. So I get up very early this morning, got up at 7.00. My favorite season is autumn, because my birthday in the fall. Our whole family went to the countryside today. We go to the zoo. Oh! See 更多: , monkey bananas, and I take pictures for the monkey. My father in the next to collect leaves. My mother in to see the monkey. After

How do you do! I'm Zoe. 11 years old this year. Today is September 12, is also my birthday. So this morning I got up early 更多: , got up at 7. My favorite season is autumn, because my birthday in the fall. For our family to go for an outing today. We went to the Zoo. Oh! Look at that monkey is eating a banana and monkey I take pictures. Next to my father collected leaves. My mother was watching monkey show. Zhihou

Hello! I if Iraq is. 11 years old this year. Today is on September 12,, and it is my birthday. So today I get up early in the morning, and gets up at 7.00. I like the most is autumn season 更多: , because my birthday in autumn. Our family in today to go outing. We go to the zoo. oh! Look,The monkey is eat bananas, and I take pictures for monkeys. My dad beside collect leaves. My mother is watching HouXi. after


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