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6月25日电 据《每日邮报》报道,英格兰队门将乔·哈特坦.. 翻译

6月25日电 据《每日邮报》报道,英格兰队门将乔·哈特坦言输球后感觉“糟透了”。他说:“我们一直踢得不错,这支球队基础很好,比赛很努力,我们拼尽了全力,但是很不幸我们输了,而且是输在了点球上。” 英格兰队好像在点球大战之前把运气用光了,意大利队两度射门击中门楣,同时还创造了很多非常好的得分机会,只是可惜没有形成进球。诺切里诺曾在加时赛尾声打进了一记越位球,被判无效。有人说这球是英格兰走运的预兆。哈特说:“我也曾经以为今晚我们会比较幸运,但运气仍旧不在我们这里。我一度以为这将是一个属于英格兰的夜晚,因为我们踢得非常好 更多: ,全队很团结,但比赛一到点球。运气就走了,包括我自己。” 哈特承认这次经历让他学到了很多:“我一定会乐观地面对,但是此时此刻我还做不到。我是一个很感性的人,我把自己的全部身心都投入到了这次比赛中,一时半会我没法恢复。”哈特继续说,“我对那些球迷充满负罪感,他们一路前来只为了支持我们。” 谈到下个赛季,哈特坦言:“现在,我还没恢复好,我还需要时间,过段时间再说吧,我要休息一段时间才开始下个赛季。”
June 25 - According to the "Daily Mail" reported that the England goalkeeper Joe Hart admitted that losing feeling "bad". He said: "We have been playing well, the basis of a good of the team, very hard game, we were doing the best, but unfortunately we lost, and lost in a penalty." England, as if in a penalty shootout before luck ran out, the Italian team twice shot hit the lintel, but also created a lot of very good scoring opportunities, but unfortunately did not form the goal. Nocerino had scored in overtime to the end in mind offside, was disallowed. Some people say that this ball is England lucky omen.Hart said: "I used to think that tonight we will be more fortunate, but luck is still not here with us. I once thought it would be a night of England, because we played very well 更多: , the team is very united, but the game to the penalty. luck left, including myself. " Hart acknowledged that this experience he learned a lot: "I will be optimistic face, but at this moment I can not do. I was a very emotional person, my own body and mind into the game, half past one I can not restore. "Hart continued," I'm full of guilt to those fans.They come all the way just to support us. " Talking about next season, Hart admits: "Now, I have not recovered well, I still need time, over time, I want to take some time before the beginning of the next season."

On June 25, according to the daily mail reported, after England goalkeeper Qiao·hate admitted that losing feeling "sucks". He said: "we have been playing well, the team base is very good, the game very hard, we tailor-make the effort, but unfortunately we lost, and lost on a penalty kick in. ” England seem to have luck ran out before the shootout, Italy twice shot hit the door, while also creating a lot of very good scoring opportunities, but unfortunately did not form a goal. Nocerino has extra time end into a write offside ball, is found to be invalid. Some say that the ball is a lucky omen for England.Hart said: "I thought tonight we will be lucky, but luck is still not here. I once thought it would be a night of England, because we played very well 更多: , the whole team is very United, but the game to penalties. Luck out, including my own. ” Hart admitted that the experience he has learned a lot: "I'll be optimistic in the face, but at this moment I do not see. I am a very emotional person, I've committed to their full physical and mental in this competition, 1:30 will I can't resume. "Hart continued to say," I say to those fans full of guilt,They came all the way to support us. ” About next season, Hart admitted: "now, I haven't recovered well, I need time, over time, then we'll talk, I have to rest for some time before starting next season. ”

June 25, according to the daily mail reports that England keeper Joe hart said after the defeat of feeling "awful". He said: "we have always played well, this team foundation is very good, the game was hard, we did our best to spell, but unfortunately we lost, and is in the penalty. Lose" England on penalties like before used up the luck, Italy's shot hit the crossbar twice, and create a lot of very good chances to score, just but did not form goals. Nocerino's had in overtime scored a record close offside ball, overturned.Some say this is England luck omen ball. Hart said: "I used to think that tonight we will be lucky, but still not in luck. I once thought we here, this would be a belong to England night for we played very well 更多: , and the team is united, but the game to a penalty. Luck to walk,Including me. " hart acknowledged that the experiences that he learned a lot:" I will optimistically, but at the moment I still can't do. I am a very perceptual person, I devote all their body and soul into this race, 1:30 I can't recover. "Hart continue to say,"I'm the fans filled with guilt, they came all the way to support our only." talked about next season, hart said: "now, I haven't restore good, I also need time, after a short time to say again, I want to rest for a period of time to start the season."


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