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随着我国家电行业的发展及家电产品质量、档次的提高,家电用.. 翻译

随着我国家电行业的发展及家电产品质量、档次的提高,家电用钢材的需求量将继续上升。预测2010年我国家电行业需求镀锌板约150万t,其中镀锌板为70万t。另外,随着世界范围内台式PC电脑机箱生产逐步向我国转移,预计将需求镀锌板55万t。2010年镀锌板分行业消费情况为:汽车制造及配件65万t,占20%,家电行业70万t,占21.5%,PC、DVD、复印机等电子产品55万t,占17%,建筑、轻工业及其他产品135万t,占41.5%。总之,镀锌板需求量为325万t,而国内生产能力只有120万t,国内供给在数量上缺口很大。热浸镀锌钢板。将薄钢板浸入熔解的锌槽中,使其表面粘附一层锌的薄钢板。目前主要采用连续镀锌工艺生产,即把成卷的钢板连续浸在熔解有锌的镀槽中制成镀锌钢板; (3)镀锌板耐指纹产品 电镀锌耐指纹产品是指表面经过涂层处理的电镀锌产品,除具有普通电镀锌产品的优点外,表面还具有抗指印迹和抗油污的独特性能,使之成为电镀锌产品的一种精品,主要用于精致的、要求有耐腐蚀性的家用电器制造,如计算机机箱、DVD行业、液晶电视、复印机、传真机、汽车音响等。在未来几年国内电镀锌耐指纹产品市场的需求将呈平稳上升趋势 更多: ,预计2010年电镀锌耐指纹产品的国内需求在257万t左右。分为切成定尺长度的镀锌板和带卷镀锌板包装两种。大量采用高强度电镀锌板。在汽车、家电用板材中,为降低成本,减轻重量而大量采用高强度电镀锌板(如高强度DP电镀锌板)已成为必然趋势。 一般铁皮包装,内衬防潮纸,外以铁腰子捆扎在托架上。捆扎要牢靠,以防内装镀锌板相互摩擦。 我国镀锌板消费量很大,而镀锌板生产能力严重不足,主要依靠进口。由于近几年建设的镀锌机组全部为热镀锌机组,目前热镀锌和镀锌板生产能力相差很大[2]。因此根据市场变化和实用需要,必须加快缓解国内镀锌板供需矛盾步伐,适当扩大电镀锌机组的建设。为此,宝钢又新增第3条产能30万t/a的电镀锌生产线,主要生产耐指纹电镀锌产品,见表6,该生产线计划2008年9月建成投产。但是,宝钢3条镀锌板生产线满负荷生产,也只能满足当前消费的一半。因此,武钢也在考虑建1条产能30万t/a的镀锌板生产线,见表7。另外,国内一些钢铁企业和民营企业也在纷纷投资,如广东、浙江等地还有新上电镀锌生产线的可能性。 镀锌板 彩涂卷板 小型板块 热轧带钢 冷轧带钢 镀涂带钢 镀锌钢板 镀锡钢板 普板 镀锌板 防火板 密度板 天花板 车用板 长条板 造船板 合金板 锅炉板 花纹板
With the development of China's home appliance industry and home appliance product quality, quality improvement, home appliances, steel demand will continue to rise. 2010, China's household electrical appliance industry demand about 150 million tons of galvanized sheet, which galvanized sheet to 700,000 t. With the world-wide desktop pc computer chassis production gradually to transfer to China, is expected to demand of 550,000 tons of galvanized sheet. 2010 the consumption of the sub-sectors of the galvanized sheet: automobile manufacturing and accessories 650,000 tons, accounting for 20% to 700,000 t in the appliance industry, accounting for 21.5%, pc, dvd, photocopiers and other electronic products 550,000 tons, accounting for 17%, construction , light industry and other products 1.35 million tons, accounting for 41.5%. In short,Galvanized sheet demand of 3.25 million tons, while domestic production capacity of only 1.2 million tons, the domestic supply gap is huge in number. Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet. The thin steel sheet was immersed in the melting of the zinc bath, its adhesion layer of zinc on the surface of the thin steel sheet. Currently the main use for the production of a continuous galvanizing process, which rolls of steel sheet continuous dipped in melted zinc plating bath made of galvanized steel plate; (3) fingerprint resistant galvanized sheet products Electro-galvanized fingerprint resistant products is the electro-galvanized surface after the coating treatment surface also has anti-refers to blot the unique properties and anti-oil pollution, in addition to the advantage of ordinary electro-galvanized products,Become a boutique of electro-galvanized products, mainly for the exquisite 更多: , the corrosion resistance of household appliances manufacturing, such as a computer chassis, dvd industry, LCD TV, copiers, fax machines, car audio. The domestic electric galvanized anti-fingerprint products market demand in the next few years will show a steady upward trend in domestic demand is expected in 2010 galvanized fingerprint resistant products 2.57 million tons. Divided into cut into cut lengths of galvanized sheet and with a volume of galvanized sheet packaging two. Extensive use of high-strength galvanized sheet. With plate in the automotive, appliance, in order to reduce costs,To reduce the weight and the extensive use of high-strength galvanized sheet (such as high-strength dp electro-galvanized plate) has become an inevitable trend. General tin packaging, lined with moisture-proof paper outside Tieyao sub bundled bracket. Banding should be solid to prevent interior galvanized plate rubbing against each other. Our consumption of galvanized sheet and galvanized sheet production capacity is a serious shortage, mainly rely on imports. Galvanizing line in recent years, building all the hot-dip galvanizing line, hot dip galvanized and galvanized sheet production capacity difference [2]. Therefore, in accordance with changes in the market and the practical need, we must accelerate the pace of supply and demand to ease domestic galvanized sheet, and expand the construction of electro-galvanized unit. To this end,Baosteel has added three production capacity of 300,000 t / a of electro-galvanized production line, mainly the production of electro-galvanized fingerprint resistant products are shown in Table 6, the production line is put into operation in September 2008. However, the Baosteel three galvanized sheet production line at full capacity, can only meet half of the current consumption. Therefore, the Wuhan Iron and Steel is also considering the construction of a production capacity of 300,000 t / a galvanized sheet production lines, as shown in Table 7. In addition, some domestic iron and steel enterprises and private enterprises also have to invest, such as Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places there are new on the possibility of electro-galvanized production line. Galvanized sheet color coated coil small plates hot-rolled strip steel cold-rolled strip steel plating coated strip galvanized steel tinplate the ordinary plate galvanized sheet fire board MDF ceilings car with plate long plate shipbuilding plate alloy plate boiler plate Diamond Plate

With the development of China's household electrical appliance industry and electrical appliances product quality and grades improved, home appliances and steel demand will continue to rise. Forecast 2010, China's household electrical appliance industry needs galvanized sheet about 1.5 million t, which galvanized sheet for 700,000 t. In addition, the desktop PC computer case with world production gradually shifting to China, demand is expected to be galvanized sheet 550,000 t. 2010 galvanized steel consumption by industry: auto manufacturing and parts of 650,000 t, 20%, 700,000 t in household appliances industry, representing 550,000 t 21.5%,PC, DVD, copy machines and other electronic products, accounting for 17%, buildings, and other products of light industry of 1.35 million t, 41.5%. In short,Galvanized sheet requirement of 3.25 million t, compared with 1.2 million t in domestic productive capacity, domestic supply gap is very large in number. Hot-dip galvanized steel sheets. Thin steel plate immersed in melted zinc bath, glued to its surface a layer of zinc coated sheet steel. At present, the main production using the continuous galvanizing process, namely steel continuous rolling dipping in melted zinc plated tank made of galvanized steel; (3) galvanized fingerprint resistant products Electro-galvanized fingerprint resistant products are surface coating treated galvanized products, in addition to the General advantages of electro-galvanized products, apparently also has the unique property of resistance to imprinting and oil,Make it become a boutique of electroplated zinc products, mainly for the delicate 更多: , requiring corrosion resistance of household appliance manufacturing, such as computer chassis, DVD, LCD TV 's, copiers, fax machines, audio and so on. Domestic electro-galvanized fingerprint resistant products market in the coming years will steadily rise in demand trends, is expected in 2010 electro-galvanized fingerprint resistant products of domestic demand in about 2.57 million t. Into cut the exact length of galvanized steel and galvanized sheet packaging with volume two. Extensive use of high strength galvanized plate. Plates for automotive, household appliances, in order to reduce costs,Alleviating the extensive use of high strength galvanized plate weight (such as high strength DP plating Zinc plate) has become an inevitable trend. General Tin packaging, lined with waterproof paper, outside the kidneys with iron banding on the shelf. Strapping to secure to prevent zinc-plated board installed within mutual friction. Galvanized steel consumption in China is very large, and the serious shortage of zinc-plated Board production capacity, mainly rely on imports. As galvanizing all construction in recent years as hot galvanizing line, now hot dipped galvanized and zinc-plated Board production capacity varies [2]. Therefore according to market changes and operational needs, we must accelerate the pace ease domestic galvanized steel supply and demand contradiction, construction of appropriate expansion of the plating line. To that end,Baosteel also added 3rd capacity of 300,000 t/a zinc plating production line, mainly the production of fingerprint resistant zinc plated products, as shown in table 6, which is planned for September 2008 was put into operation. However, 3 zinc-plated Board production line in Baosteel production at full capacity, also meet only half the current consumption. Therefore, WISCO is also considering building 1 capacity of 300,000 t/a galvanized sheet production line, as shown in table 7. In addition, some domestic steel enterprises and private enterprises have invested, such as Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places there are new possibilities of zinc plating production line. Galvanized steel color-coated plate small plate hot rolling strip steel cold rolling strip steel coated steel strip galvanized tin plated steel plates using plate zinc-plated Board fire Board MDF plate strip plate for ceiling shipbuilding plate alloy plate boiler plate pattern plate

With the development of China's household electrical appliance industry and home appliance product quality, the improvement of class, home appliance steel demand will continue to rise. Forecast in 2010 China's household electrical appliance industry demand galvanized sheet of about 1.5 million t, including galvanized sheet for 700000 t. In addition, with the worldwide desktop PC computer chassis production gradually to transfer to China,Is expected to demand galvanized sheet 550000 t. In 2010, galvanized sheet branch line of consumption for: automobile and accessories 650000 t, 20%, household electrical appliance industry 700000 t, accounting for 21.5%, PC, DVD, photocopiers, and other electronic products 550000 t, accounted for 17%, construction, light industry and other products 1.35 million t, accounted for 41.5%. In short,Galvanized sheet demand for 3.25 million t, and domestic production capacity of only 1.2 million t, the domestic supply a gap in number. Hot dip galvanized steel sheet. The steel sheet into melting zinc tank, make its surface adhesion a layer of zinc sheet steel. At present mainly adopts continuous galvanizing process production,The coil steel continuous leaching of zinc plating in melt have groove made galvanized steel sheet, (3) galvanized sheet resistance to fingerprint products electric galvanized fingerprint resistant products refer to the surface after coating processing electric galvanized products, except having features of ordinary electric galvanized products outside the advantage, the surface also has anti refers to imprinting and resistance to oil pollution's unique performance,Make it become the electric galvanized products of a kind of high-quality goods, mainly used for delicate, require a corrosion resistance of the household electrical appliance manufacturing, such as computer chassis 更多: , DVD industry, LCD TV, photocopiers, fax machines, car audio, etc. In the next few years domestic electric galvanized fingerprint resistant product market demand will be a smooth rising trend,In 2010 is expected to electric galvanized fingerprint resistant products of domestic demand in about 2.57 million t. Divided into cut into specified length of galvanized sheet and coil galvanized sheet packing two. A large number of high strength electric galvanized sheet. In the car, home appliance with plate, in order to reduce costs,Reduce weight and a large number of high strength electric galvanized sheet (such as high strength DP electric galvanized sheet) has become an inevitable trend. general sheet packing, lined with waterproof paper, outside to iron the kidneys strapping the unit on the bracket. Strapping to firm, in case of built-in galvanized sheet mutual friction. our country galvanized sheet consumption is very big,And a serious shortage of galvanized sheet production capacity, mainly rely on imports. In recent years because of the construction of the galvanized unit are all hot dip galvanizing unit, at present hot dip galvanizing and galvanized sheet production capacity vary considerably [2]. Therefore according to the market change and practical need, we must speed up ease the contradiction between supply and demand of domestic galvanized sheet pace,Appropriate to expand electric galvanized unit construction. Therefore, baosteel and new article 3 capacity of 300000 t/a electric galvanizing production line, the main production fingerprint resistant electric galvanized products, see table 6, this production line plan go on-stream in September 2008. But, baosteel 3 galvanized sheet production line full load production,Also can satisfy the current half of consumption. Therefore, wisco are considering to build 1 the capacity of 300000 t/a galvanized sheet production line, see table 7. In addition, some domestic iron and steel enterprises and private enterprises in investment in succession, such as guangdong, zhejiang, and new power on galvanized the possibility of production line. galvanized sheet painted coil small plate hot rolled strip steel cold rolled strip steel plating coating strip steel galvanized tin plate tome plate galvanized sheet fire prevention board density board ceiling vehicle plate strip plate shipbuilding plate alloy plate boiler plate pattern plate


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