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自2008年开始用采自通辽市花吐古拉的盐碱土进行玉米秸秆.. 翻译

自2008年开始用采自通辽市花吐古拉的盐碱土进行玉米秸秆隔离层处理,并种植大麦,分析四年盐碱土养分及碱化指标,结果表明:A3B1处理(玉米秸秆用量4000 kg/667m2、掩埋深度为10cm)的改良效果最佳,经过处理后,土壤有机质的含量增加了10.4g/㎏ 更多: ,碱解氮增加了43.2 mg/kg,速效磷增加了56.0 mg/kg,速效钾增加了102.7mg/kg,pH值下降了2.19个单位,碱化度下降了37.3%,总盐量降低了2.251 g/kg。
Corn stalks isolation layer processing since 2008, adopted from Tongliao city flower spit Gula saline-alkali soil and cultivation of barley, analysis of the four-year saline-alkali soil nutrients and alkalization of indicators, the results showed that: a3b1 processing (corn stalks dosage of 4000 kg / 667m2, the best improvement effect of the buried depth of 10cm) 更多: , after treatment, increase in soil organic matter content of 10.4g / kg, nitrogen 43.2 mg of / kg, the increase in available phosphorus in the 56.0 mg / kg of potassium increase the 102.7mg/kg ph value decreased by 2.19 units, alkalization decreased by 37.3% total salt reduces the 2.251 g / kg.

Since 2008 began with mining since in tongliao city spent spit Caligula of saline-alkali soil for corn straw isolation layer processing, and planting barley, analysis four years saline-alkali soil nutrient and the alkalized index, results indicates that: A3B1 processing (corn straw dosage 4000 kg/667m2, and buried depth for 10cm) of improved effect best, after processing Hou, soil organic matter of content increased has 10.4g/kg 更多: , alkali solutions nitrogen increased has 43.2 mg/kg, quick-impact phosphorus increased has 56.0 mg/kg, Quick-acting potassium increase the 102.7mg/kg,pH value has fallen 2.19 units, alkalization degree down 37.3%, total amount of salt reduced 2.251 g/kg.

Since 2008 the tongliao city flower picked up the ancient pull in corn straw probably isolation layer of processing, and grow barley, analyzes four years probably nutrient and alkaline index, and the results show that: A3B1 processing (corn straw usage is 4000 kg / 667 m2, buried depth of 10 cm) and improvement of the best effect, after processing,The content of soil organic matter increased 10.4 g / ㎏ 更多: , alkali solution nitrogen increased 43.2 mg/kg, available p increased 56.0 mg/kg, rapidly-available potassium increased 102.7 mg/kg, pH value fell 2.19 units, alkalize degrees declined 37.3%, total YanLiang reduces the 2.251 g/kg.


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