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即使以后的路会加倍的艰难,但纵观历史,哪一为杰出的骚人墨.. 翻译

即使以后的路会加倍的艰难,但纵观历史,哪一为杰出的骚人墨客不是经历了比我还沉重百倍的痛苦呢?况且今日之果必追溯于昨日之因,人终究要为自己的行为承担后果 更多: ,而我们作出艰难的选择也是为了以后能有更好的生活,如果人生真的是那么一帆风顺,那么世界上还会出现这么多能做惊天地,泣鬼神的大事的人吗?
Even after the road will redouble difficult Throughout history, which distinguished man of letters is not experience a hundred times I am also a heavy pain in it? Moreover, the fruits of today will be retrospective of yesterday due to the end, people want to own bear the consequences of behavior 更多: , and we make difficult choices in order to be able to have a better life, if life really is so smooth, so the world will be so much to do the shaking, ZZZZZZZZZ event?

Even yihou of road will double of difficult, but throughout history, which a for outstanding of poet and man of letters not experience has than I also heavy times of suffering does? besides today of fruit will dates back Yu yesterday of due to, people eventually to for own of acts assumed consequences 更多: , and we made difficult of select is to yihou can has better of life, if life really of is then smooth, then world Shang also will appears so more can do surprised world, wept ghosts of events of people does?

Even in the future will double the difficult, but throughout history, which for outstanding scholars of life is not experienced than me one hundred times as heavy pain? And the fruit of the back to this day will be the cause of yesterday, the person eventually for his behavior consequences 更多: , and we make some difficult choices also is for later can have a better life,If life really is so smooth sailing, so in the world still appear so I can so fantastic once, make the gods cry event?


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