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非常高兴Mike能够开通微博,也希望Mike能早日来中国.. 翻译

非常高兴Mike能够开通微博,也希望Mike能早日来中国发展!听说Mike有哮喘病史 更多: ,也希望他多注意身体,中国有句古话﹕身体是革命的本钱。只有Mike好好的我们粉丝才放心!祝Mike越来越帅!也祝经纪人越来越漂亮! 不过我想问一下经纪人在中国哪里可以买到golfMike的专辑啊
Very pleased that the mike open microblogging, but also want to mike early Chinese development. I heard mike has a history of asthma, and also hope that he will pay more attention to the body 更多: , the Chinese have a saying: The body is the capital of revolution. Only mike good to our fans to rest assured! Mike I wish more and more handsome! Also wish the agent is more and more beautiful! But I would like to ask the agent in China, where can buy golfmike album

Very pleased that Mike can open microblogging, and also hope that Mike will soon come to China Development! Hear Mike have a history of asthma 更多: , and his attention to the body, there is an old saying in China: the body is capital of the revolution. Only Mike good fans we are reassured! I wish Mike more handsome! Brokers are getting prettier and prettier! However I would like to ask the broker in China where can I buy the golfMike album

Very glad to Mike can open the bo, also hope to China's development will soon Mike! Heard that Mike have asthma history 更多: , also hope that he pay more attention to the body, there's an old Chinese saying: the body is the capital of revolution. Only good I rest assured we fans Mike! I wish Mike more and more handsome! Also wish agent more and more beautiful!But I want to ask agent in China where can buy golfMike album


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