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配角1意大利 普兰德利:一切取决于我们 .. 翻译

配角1意大利 普兰德利:一切取决于我们 对于“2:2默契球”最感冒的自然是2004年葡萄牙欧锦赛时的受害者意大利队。如今他们再度遇上了这样尴尬的局面,一旦西班牙队和克罗地亚队打成2:2,那么两队就将联手出线,做掉意大利人。 所以在前几天恭维了另一场决定自己球队命运的两个对手有足够体育精神之后,昨天的新闻发布会上,普兰德利拒绝回答了媒体对于西班牙队和“2:2”这个比分的问题。 “我们还是先来谈谈意大利自己的比赛,我们渴望赢球。三天前,我就说过了,一切取决于我们。我们集中精力在我们自己的比赛上。意大利应该做的,就是只想着自己的比赛,相信自己能够赢下爱尔兰。”普兰德利还透露前几天因伤缺席训练的锋线主力巴洛特利已经基本痊愈,“巴洛特利今天的情况很好,我们一会训练就会知道得更多了。他的情况,肯定比昨天好了许多。” 说到巴洛特利不得不提的就是和西班牙队比赛中进球的迪纳塔莱会不会进入首发阵容加强进攻,对此普兰德利说:“迪纳塔莱首发?我没有说过,我只说过,如果迪纳塔莱首发,需要球队采用一种适合他的比赛模式。” 不过普兰德利还是透露了球队可能因为中卫巴尔扎利的复出而变阵,“我喜欢变化,这一点,从不隐瞒。我们觉得,三后卫的话,德罗西是后卫之一,如果我们变化了 更多: ,德罗西去中场,可以给前锋支持。当然这一切,比赛前我是不会说的。我准备比赛,准备秘密。不是我不尊重你们,而是为了我们的比赛。” 另外,普兰德利这位合同只到本届欧锦赛结束的意大利教头还暗示,一旦球队无法小组出线,他可能会直接辞职,“我们先看看明天的结果如何。如果事情不顺利的话,那我将承担自己应该承担的责任。” 配角2爱尔兰 特拉帕托尼:不想再输场球 比起前面三支球队,已经提前小组出局的爱尔兰队更像是明晨这场大戏的龙套。因为人们在各种猜测的时候,都已经认定了他们将在和意大利队的比赛中输球。而爱尔兰队的意大利籍主帅特拉帕托尼却表示希望球队能够带着一丝尊严回家。 特拉帕托尼对于自己执教意大利国家队时期的国脚普兰德利赞赏有加, “和他做球员时一样,当教练他也干得非常出色。他带领的意大利队踢得很不错,而且很聪明。而且在处理和球员之间的关系他一样擅长,作为一名意大利队的主帅这很重要。” 对于比赛,爱尔兰队不想坐以待毙,特拉帕托尼希望至少是一个平局,“前两场比赛我们都是一开场就很快丢球,自己给自己增加了难度。这场比赛不会再犯这样的错误,而是要踢出球队在预选赛时的水准。和意大利队的比赛要为荣誉而战,全队上下都有责任尽全力去做到最好,我们不愿意带着三场失利回家。”
Supporting role an Italian Prandelli: everything depends on us Cold for the "2:2 tacit ball" is naturally the victims of the Italian team Portugal Euro 2004. Now they once again encounter such an embarrassing situation, Spain and Croatia tied 2-2, then the two teams will jointly qualify, do away the Italians. So a few days ago to compliment another decided the fate of his team's two rivals have sufficient sporting spirit, yesterday's news conference, Prandelli refused to answer media Spain and "2:2" score. "Or to talk about Italy game, we are eager to win three days ago, I said, everything depends on us and we concentrate on our own game. Italy should do, is only thinking about my game, believe they can win the Irish. "Prandelli also revealed a few days ago because of injury to the absence of training the main striker Balotelli has basically recovered," Balotelli good, we training in a while will know more of his situation, certainly much better than yesterday." Speaking Balotelli had to mention is that Di Natale and goals in the match, Spain will strengthen the offensive into the starting lineup, which said: "Di Natale starting Prandelli? I did not say However, I only said that Di Natale starting, you need the team using a game mode. " Prandelli or disclose the team because the back of the defender Barzagli and evolutions, "I like to change this, never hide. We feel that the three guards 更多: , De Rossi is one of the guards, if changed, De Rossi went to midfield to the forward support. course, all thisBefore the game, I will not say. I am going to the game in preparation for the secret. Not that I do not respect you, but to our game. " Prandelli the contract only to the current European Championship the end of the Italian coach hinted once the team can not win the group, he may resign, "We take a look at the outcome of tomorrow if things do not go well , then I would assume they should bear the responsibility. " Supporting Actor 2 Ireland Trapattoni: do not want to lose the ball Compared to the previous three teams, advance team out of the Irish team is more like tomorrow morning in this drama of the bit-part player.Because people in all kinds of speculation, have been identified they will lose the game and Italy. Italian coach Giovanni Trapattoni, the Irish team has expressed the hope that the team with a trace of dignity home. Trapattoni appreciation for their coach during the Italian national team striker Prandelli Canada, and a player, a coach, he also did a great job he led the Italian team played very well, and it is smart and the relationship between processing and players like him at an Italian team coach it is very important. " For the game,Irish team did not want to sit back and The Trapattoni hope at least a draw, the first two games we are opening one soon lost the ball to increase difficulty. The game would not repeat this mistake, but to be kicked out of the standard of the team in the qualifiers and Italy match to honor the whole team have a responsibility to do our utmost to do the best, we do not want to with three losses to go home. "

Supporting actor 1 Italy Prandelli: everything depends on our "2:2 understanding balls" most colds naturally in 2004 Portugal when euro victim of Italy. Now they have once again caught in this embarrassing situation, once Spain and Croatia team in 2:2, then both teams will work together to outlet, do Italy people. Compliments another one a few days before to determine their own fate of teams after the two rivals have enough sports spirit, at a news conference yesterday, prandelli has refused to answer media for the Spain team and the "2:2" the score issue. "We first talk about Italy its own competitions, we are eager to win. Three days ago, I mentioned that everything depends on us. We concentrate on our own game. Italy should do, is only thinking about their own competition, confident that they will win Ireland. "Prandelli said a few days before the injury absence of trained strike the main Mario Balotelli has basically recovered," Mario Balotelli today is good, we will train you'll know more. His situation, certainly better than yesterday a lot.” Speaking of Mario Balotelli had to was and Spain team, Antonio Di Natale scored in the game will enter the starting lineup to strengthen attack, prandelli said about this: "RAI Dina Tower first? I said nothing, I only said that if Di Natale starting, requires teams to adopt a competition mode that suits him. ” But prandelli revealed the team may change because the central defender Andrea Barzagli's comeback, "I like change, this, never hide. We think that the three guards, Daniele De Rossi is one of the guards, if we change, Daniele De Rossi went to midfielder 更多: , strikers supporting. All this, of course,Before the game I wouldn't say. I am ready, prepared secret. Not that I do not respect you, but to our competition. ” Additionally, prandelli the contract only to the end of this European Championship Italy Jiao Dou also suggested that, once the team unable to group out, he is likely to resign directly, "we'll see how tomorrow's results. If things do not go well, then I should assume their share of responsibility. ” SideShow 2 Ireland Giovanni Trapattoni: do not want to lose the game Compared to the first three teams ahead of the Panel out of the Ireland team is more like early tomorrow morning the theatre's lucky star.Because when people in a variety of guesses have been identified they would be and Italy team lost game. Ireland team Italy national coach Giovanni Trapattoni has expressed the hope that the team can go home with a trace of dignity. Giovanni Trapattoni for his coaching Italy national team player prandelli appreciate added, "and his players, just as coach he did very well. He led Italy team played very well, and is very clever. And in dealing with the relationship between the player and he is good at, as an Italy team manager which is very important. ” Game,Ireland teams did not want to die, Giovanni Trapattoni hopes at least a draw, "two games before we all are opening quickly threw the ball, their own increasing the difficulty. The game won't make such a mistake, but to be kicked off the team in qualifying standards. And Italy's competition to fight for honor, up and down, the whole team has a responsibility to do our best to do the best, we are not willing to go home with three losses. ”

1 Italian supporting cesare prandelli: all depends on us to "2:2 tacit understanding ball" the nature is the cold euro in Portugal victims of Italy. Now they meet again so the awkwardness of the situation, once the Spanish and Croatia 2-2 tie,So two team to qualify to do off the Italian. so in a few days ago a compliment to the fate of the team two rivals have enough after the spirit of sports, yesterday's news conference, cesare prandelli refused to answer the media for Spain and "2:2" the score. "we still come first talk about Italy my own game, we desire to win the ball. Three days ago, I said, everything depends on us. We concentrate on our own game. Italy should do is just to my own game, believe they can win Ireland."Cesare prandelli also revealed a few days ago through injury of regular training up the ballot has basically been recovered," ballot and today's good, we'll training will know more. His situation, certainly much better than yesterday." said to the ballot and had to mention of Spain and is played in goal of the starting lineup with Antonio di natale will strengthen attack, to this cesare prandelli said:" Antonio di natale start? I didn't say that, I only said that, if Antonio di natale start, the team used a suitable to his game mode." but cesare prandelli or revealed team might because central defender Andrea barzagli back and make the changes," I like change, this, never conceal. We think, three defender words, DE rossi is one of the defender 更多: , if we change the, DE rossi to midfielder, can give striker support. Of course all this,I won't said before the game. I'm ready to match, ready to secret. It's not that I don't respect you, but to our game. " in addition, cesare prandelli the contract is only to the end of the euro Italy coach also suggest that once the team can't the group stages, he may directly to resign,"We'll see how is the result of tomorrow. If things are not going well, that I will bear their be the responsibility of." 2 Ireland supporting giovanni trapattoni: don't want to lose games than front three teams,Ahead of the group of Ireland out more like the dramas of tomorrow morning bit player. Because people in all kinds of speculation, have been identified in the Italian team and they will lose the game. The Italian national team and Ireland coach giovanni trapattoni has expressed the hope that the team can with a sense of dignity home. giovanni trapattoni charge for the Italian national team in the period of the international cesare prandelli admiration have add, "and his players do when coach he did very well. He led the Italian team played very well and very smart. And in the process and the relationship between the players as he good at it.As an Italian team boss this is very important. " for game, Ireland team don't want to wait, giovanni trapattoni hope at least is a draw," the first two games we are a start soon lost possession, give yourself an increased level of difficulty. The game won't make such a mistake again,But to play team in the qualifiers in level. And Italy's games to honor but war, gamely and have a responsibility to do our best to make the best, we don't want to take three defeats home. "


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