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内部审计相对于外部审计具有如下特点: 1、在审计性质.. 翻译

内部审计相对于外部审计具有如下特点: 1、在审计性质上,内部审计属于内部审计机构或专职审计人员履行的内部审计监督,只对本单位负责;外部审计则是由独立的外部机构以第三者身份提供的签证活动,对国家权力部门或社会公众负责。 2、在审计独立性上,内部审计在组织、工作、经济方面都受本单位的制约,独立性受到局限;外部审计在经济、组织、工作等方面都与被审计单位无关系 更多: ,具有较强的独立性。 3、在审计方式上,内部审计是根据本单位的安排进行审计工作的,具有一定的任意性;外部审计大多则是受委托施行的。 4、在工作范围上,内部审计的工作范围涵盖单位管理流程的所有方面,包括风险管理、控制和治理过程等;外部审计则集中在企业的财务流程及与财务信息有关的内部控制方面。
Internal audit with respect to the external audit has the following characteristics: 1, on the nature of the audit, internal audit is the internal audit body or full-time auditors to perform internal audit and supervision, is responsible only for the unit; external audit is provided by an independent external body as a third party visa activities of the national power sector or public accountability. 2, on the independence of the audit, internal audit organization, work, and economic aspects are subject to the constraints of the unit, the independence of limitations; external audit in the economic 更多: , organizational, and work with the audited entity, with a more Strong's independence. 3 in the audit of the way,The internal audit is based on the conduct of the audit of the arrangement of the units, with a certain degree of arbitrariness; most of the external audit is entrusted with implementation. 4, on the scope of work, the scope of work of the internal audit covers all aspects of unit management processes, including risk management, control and governance processes; the external audit focused on the corporate financial processes and related internal control and financial information.

Relative to the external audits of internal audit has the following characteristics: on the nature of 1, in the audit, internal audit internal audit institution or full-time auditors to perform internal audit supervision, accountable only to the unit; external audits by an independent external body to third party identity providers of visa activity to national authorities or the community be accountable to the public. 2, and on the independence of Auditors, internal audit organization, work, economic aspects are subject to the constraints of this unit, independence is limited; external audit in economic, organizational 更多: , and other aspects of the work have no relationship with audited entities, with a strong independence. On 3, in the audit,Internal audit is based on the work of the audit unit, with a certain arbitrariness; most of the external audit is entrusted with implementation. 4, in the scope of work, covering the scope of work of the internal audit units to manage all aspects of the process, including risk management, control and governance processes, external audits focused on enterprise's financial processes and internal controls in relation to financial information.

Internal audit relative to the external audit has the following features: 1, in the audit nature, internal audit belongs to the internal audit institutions or professional auditors perform internal audit supervision, only to this unit is responsible for, External audit is by an independent external agency to third party identity provide visa activities,To the national power department or the social public responsible for. 2, in the audit independence, internal audit in the organization, work, economic aspects by this unit restriction, independence limited; External audit in economy, organization 更多: , work and so on and the auditees without relations, has strong independence. 3,In the audit mode, internal audit is based on the arrangement of this unit audit work, has a certain arbitrariness, External audit mostly is the entrusted enforcement. 4, in the scope of work, internal audit work scope covers all aspects of unit management process, including risk management,Control and management process, etc.; External audit is concentrated in the enterprise financial process and and financial information about the internal control.


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