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北京国安队主教练帕切科:我们的对手非常强大,我们也用自己.. 翻译

北京国安队主教练帕切科:我们的对手非常强大,我们也用自己的表现展现了自己也很强大,虽然对手取得了胜利,但国安也同样创造出了很多的得分机会。对我们这样一支非常有经验的球队来说,一个角球的机会结果导致失球,并不是经常发生的,这也是造成场上最终比分的一个主要原因。下半时我们表现得非常不错,一直创造出了很多机会 更多: ,但我们在打进第三个进球的路上总会遇到一些阻碍,对方的8号总是犯规,我觉得他早就应当被罚下场。我们在场上有13名中方球员上场比赛,只有一名外援,而且我们在场上给对手制造了很多困难,所以他们又换上一名中后卫,也是外援。我认为这也是对手尊重我们的一种做法。但有这样一个大的阻碍在我们前进的道路上,对我们是非常困难的
Beijing Guoan coach Pacheco: Our opponent is very powerful, we also show with their own performance is also very powerful, although the opponent victory, but national security is also to create many scoring opportunities. For such a very experienced team, a corner of the opportunity resulting in a clean sheet, and not always happen, which is caused by a major cause of the field the final score. The second half our performance was very good, has been creating a lot of opportunities, but we scored the third goal on the road always encounter some obstacles 更多: , each other on the 8th always foul, I think he would have to be sent off .13 Chinese players play the game, only one foreign aid in the field, and our opponents have created a lot of difficulties in the field, so they put on a defender, but also foreign aid. I think this is a competitor, respect for our practice. But there is such a big obstacle in our way, it is very difficult for us

Beijing Guo an team coach Pacheco: our adversaries are very powerful, we also use their own performance to show himself strong, although opponents to victory, but national security also created plenty of scoring opportunities. We have a very experienced team, a corner kick opportunities as a result of losing the ball, is not a common occurrence, which are also a major cause of final score on the farm. The second half we were very good, has been creating a lot of opportunities, but we're into the third goal always encounter some obstacles on the way 更多: , the other side is always foul, 8th, I think he would have been sent off.We have 13 players from the Chinese side to play a match on the scene, only one foreign aid, and we give opponents created a lot of difficulties in the present, so they also put on a central defender, as well as foreign aid. I think that's the opponent respect our practices. But there's a lot of obstacles on the road as we go forward, for us is very difficult

Beijing GuoAnDui coach PaQieKe: our opponent is very strong, we also use their own performance showed were strong, although opponents victory, but the national security also created a lot of chances to score. This to us a very experienced team for,A corners results in goal, and is not often happens, this is also causes the final score of one of the main reasons. In the second-half we played very good, has created a lot of chances 更多: , but we scored the third goal in the way some always meet obstacles, the other party of the 8 th always fouled,I think he would have should be sent off. We have 13 in the Chinese players, only a foreign aid, and we in the opponent to making a lot of difficulties, so they put on a central defender again, is also foreign aid. I think this is a kind of our opponent to respect it.But there is such a big obstacle in the way forward, is very difficult


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