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7月3日电 据日本共同社报道,出征伦敦奥运会的日本男足女.. 翻译

7月3日电 据日本共同社报道 更多: ,出征伦敦奥运会的日本男足女足国家队各18人名单2日揭晓。力争首夺奥运金牌的女足名单中包括将连续4届出战奥运的泽穗希(33岁)、队长宫间绫(27岁)及永里优季(24岁)。 川澄奈穂美(26岁)、大野忍(28岁)、鲛岛彩(25岁)和熊谷纱希(21岁)等去年问鼎女足世界杯时的成员也在名单之列。岩清水梓(25岁)和右膝韧带伤势痊愈后复出的丸山桂里奈(29岁)也顺利入选。右膝韧带受伤的宇津木瑠美(23岁)则落选。 男足名单中包括永井谦佑(23岁)等国内联赛球员以及清武弘嗣(22岁)等6名在海外效力的球员。
According to Japan's Kyodo News reported July 3, set off Japan's soccer team in London Olympics Women's National Team 18-man squad announced on the 2nd. Strive to include the list of winning the first Olympic gold medal in women's football for four consecutive sessions played in the Olympics (33) Sawa, captain Miyama Aya (27 years) and Wing excellent season (24). The Kawasumi Chennai Fringe (26) 更多: , Ono tolerance (28) the Samejima color (25 years) and Kumagai yarn hope (21) such as the Women's World Cup aspirations last year when members also on the list. Rock water Zi (25 years) and come back with a right knee ligament injuries heal Maruyama Gui Rina (29 years) successfully selected. Right knee ligament injuries the Utsuki Liu (23) is unsuccessful. Men List Qian Yu Nagai (23 years) the domestic league players, as well as clear A Wu Hongsi (22 years), six overseas-based players.

On July 3, according to Japan's Kyodo News Agency reported that the expedition of the London Olympic Games Japan men's soccer women's soccer national team 2nd announced the list of the 18 people. To strive for first Olympic gold medal in the women's football team will play 4 consecutive Olympic Games are included in the list of Ze homare Sawa (age 33), Captain Gong Jianling (27 years old) and wing-best quarter (24 years old). Chuan Cheng Sui Mei (26 years old) 更多: , the big bad bear (28 years old), samejima color (25 years) and the bear Valley yarns Greek (21 years old) to win a women's World Cup last year when members are also included in the list. Rock water Azusa (25 years old) and after a right knee ligament injuries heal comeback Maruyama Gui Linai (29 years) successful WINS. Right knee ligament injury Utsu muliumei (23 years) is unsuccessful. Yong Jing Qian Yu are included in the list of men's soccer (23 years old) and other domestic League players as well as Qing Wu Hongsi (22 years old) 6 effectiveness of overseas players.

July 3, Japan's kyodo news agency reported on the team that London's Olympic women's soccer team Japan each list 2, 18 people were announced. The first Olympic gold medal to take the women's list will include four consecutive th Olympic Games and the jersey for the ear (33), captain between palace ling (27) and wing in optimal season (24). 穂 dearing sichuan nanotubes beauty (26) 更多: , daye endure (28), Jiao island color (25 years old) and XiongGu yarn and (21) won the FIFA women's World Cup last year when members also in the list. Rock 97:129 water (25 years old) and right knee ligament injury after recovery of the pill in guangxi return mountain Nigeria (29) was so well.Right knee ligaments 瑠 beauty of yu jin wood (23) is the election. soccer list included Wells on modest (23), domestic league players and clear WuHongSi (22) and so on six in the effectiveness of overseas players.


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