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According to the timing diag.. 翻译

According to the timing diagram of Fig. 3(a), the converter goes cyclically through the topologies shown in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c). It can be noted that S is operated as in any classical boost converter: in the rst topology, the boost in- ductor Lin is charged from the source. In the second topology, the line and Lin's energies are transferred to the capacitor and load. Thereby S acts as in a classical boost converter control: it controls the energy transfer through Lin. The change of the con guration of the SC circuit (parallel-series connection of the capacitors) is a derivative of the action of S, no control being imposed on charging/discharging C01 更多: , C02. As a result, the SC circuit can operate at its maximal theoretical eciency (only the conduction losses on the parasitics of C01, C02, S and forward voltages on the diodes in conduction a ect the eciency of the SC circuit). The eciency of the proposed circuit is that of a classical boost converter. For a steady-state cycle, VLin = Vin in the rst con guration and VLin = Vin
根据时序图图。 3(一),转换器会周期性 通过在图中所示的拓扑结构。 3(b)和图3(c)。它可以指出的是 操作在RST升压拓扑结构,在任何经典的升压转换器: 导体林收费是从源头上。在第二拓扑结构,线和林“ 精力都转移到电容和负载。从而小号作为一个古典 升压转换器控制:通过LIN控制的能量转移。的变化 SC电路的配置(并联电容器系列连接)是一个 衍生的行动,被判处无控制充电/放电C01, C02。作为一个结果 更多: ,SC电路可以工作在其最大的理论ê效率 (C01寄生传导损失,C02,和正向电压 传导1等é效率)的SC电路中的二极管。 é效率 所提出的电路是一个经典的升压转换器。 稳态周期,在RST CON guration,vlin = VIN


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