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Bonsoir Nicole du site http:.. 翻译

Bonsoir Nicole du site écoutez je vous ecris avec toutes les informations requise. je vous ai clairement expliqué la situation. en effet j ai un probléme avec vous sois vous n'etes pas corrects voir malhonnete sois vous vous foutez de moi. l achat a été effectuer dans votre site http://www 更多: par vincent giunta email: ca fais exactement deux semaines. jusqu'a présent nous na vons pas recus le sac NEW LOUIS VUITTON MONOGRAM CANVAS HANDBAG??? que nous avons acheter avec les frais d expéditions qui on eux aussi été payer je vous ai informer de cetter ERREUR DE VOTRE PART ET VOTRE SERVICE DE VENTE SUR INTERNET VOLONTAIRE OU INVONLONTAIRE?? vincent giunta qui a effectuer L ACHAT PAR CARTE BANQUAIRE vous a AUSSI CONTACTER PAR EMAIL POUR VOUS INFORMER DE CE SOUCIS DUS A VOTRE D EXPEDITION DE VOTRE SITE DE VeNTE PAR INTERNET Tout a ete ¨PAYER ALORS A VOUS DE RESPECTER VOTRE PART DU CONTRAT JE NE ME RAPPELLE PAS DU ORDER NUMBER TOUT SIMPLEMENT PARCEQUE JE NE M ATTENDAIS PAS A CE QUE VOUS MANQUEZ A VOTRE DEVOIR D EXPEDITION A VOUS DE CORRiGER VOTRE ERREUR ET DE M ENVOYERAS COMME IL SE DOIT LE SAS NEW LOUIS VUITTON MONOGRAM CANVAS HANDBAG QUI A ETE CORRECTEMENT ACHETER ET PAYER PAR CARTE BANQUAIRE PAR Vincent giunta DANS votre site vous avez son email : vincent_giunta@yahoo Vous pouvez l écrire comme vous l avez déja fait par son email
nicole goodnight Site listen I am writing with all the information required. I have clearly explained the situation. j indeed have a problem with you either you n "are currently not correct view dishonest either you kidding me. the purchase was made in your site by vincent http://www 更多: giunta email: vincent_giunta @ ca do exactly two weeks. until "we did this Vons has not received the bag new louis vuitton monogram canvas handbag?? we buy with the cost of shipments that we were paying too I have informed cetter of error on your part and your internet sales department or voluntary invonlontaire? Vincent giunta who perform the purchase by credit card you also send an email to inform you of your worries was due to shipment of your Internet sales site ¨ everything has been paid then you have to stick to your hand Contract I do not remember the order number simply because I do not expect m has what you're missing is your duty to your shipment acorrect your mistake and m envoyeras as it should be the airlock new louis vuitton monogram canvas handbag that has been properly buy and pay by credit card by vincent giunta in your site http:/ / you his email: vincent_giunta @ yahoo you can write as you have already done by his email

Good evening Nicole site ecoutez I you write with all information required. clear you the situation. I indeed have a problem with you am you are not correct see dishonest am you foutez me. l purchase was perform in your http://www.sacdemarques 更多: .com/ by vincent giunta email site: ca am exactly two weeks. present we na vons pas received the NEW LOUIS VUITTON MONOGRAM CANVAS HANDBAG bag? We have purchase with costs d expeditions which is also been pay I inform of Secretariat error of your PART and your SERVICE for sale on INTERNET volunteer or INVONLONTAIRE? vincent giunta who perform L purchase by credit card also you contact by EMAIL to inform you of the worries due to your D EXPEDITION of your SITE of sale by INTERNET any ¨PAYER then A of you meet your share of the contract was I do ME reminds steps of ORDER NUMBER all simply because I do M ATTENDAIS PAS A what you MANQUEZ A your duty D EXPEDITION has you Correct your error and of M ENVOYERAS as it SE must the SAS NEW LOUIS VUITTON MONOGRAM CANVAS HANDBAG that A summer properly buy and pay by card banking by Vincent giunta in your site you have his email: vincent_giunta@yahoo l you can write as you l have already made by his email .

Hello Nicole site ecoutez i am writing to you with all the information required. i you have clearly explained the situation. In effect i have a problem with you am you are not correct see dishonesty am you throw him out of me. l purchase has been made in your site http://www 更多: .sacdemarques.Com/ by vincent giunta email: ca am exactly two weeks. has up to now we na vons not received the bag NEW Louis Vuitton MONOGRAM CANVAS HANDBAG??? That we buy with the costs d shipments which have also been pay i inform of that pension ERROR ON YOUR PART AND YOUR SERVICE OF SELLING ON THE INTERNET OR VOLUNTARY INVONLONTAIRE? Vincent giunta who has perform THE PURCHASE BY CREDIT CARD you also CONTACT BY EMAIL TO INFORM YOU OF THIS WORRIES DUE TO YOUR D SHIPMENT OF YOUR SITE FOR SALE BY INTERNET everything has beenTHEN IT'S UP TO YOU TO FULFILL YOUR PART OF THE CONTRACT I DO NOT REMEMBER THE ORDER NUMBER SIMPLY M bloggers because I DO NOT EXPECT HAS WHAT YOU MISS HAS YOUR DUTY D SHIPPING HAS YOU OFYOUR ERROR AND OF M ENVOYERAS AS IT SHOULD BE THE SAS NEW Louis Vuitton MONOGRAM CANVAS HANDBAG WHICH HAS BEEN CORRECTLY PURCHASE AND PAY BY CREDIT CARD BY Vincent giunta in your site you have his email: vincent_giunta@yahoo You can l write as you've already done by its email


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