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秋天的干枯,请你再慢些, 让我最后一次看看, .. 翻译

秋天的干枯,请你再慢些, 让我最后一次看看, 这片暗黄色的杂草丛, 天黑的颜色将要覆盖在它们身上, 那时的杂草丛就变成了一片黑暗, 树上的乌鸦们请飞下来吧, 落在我身边的树枝上, 握在手中的蒲公英好美, 你们也会看到的, 秋天啊, 为什么你要走的那么快, 如果冬天来临, 这里将一切都没有了 更多: , 只剩下很多的树枝条, 乌鸦,冬天是可怕的季节吧? 它会吞噬掉整片草丛, 整片池塘,甚至整片大地, 风儿也会变的凛冽, 我要带着手中的蒲公英回家, 不要看到它干枯、受寒, 啊,吹散了, 蒲公英呀,要飞的远远, 不要落在寒冷的雪地里, 来年我会和乌鸦们一起找到一个新的你。
Autumn dry slower. I last look at the Of this dark yellow weeds. The dark color to cover them, When the weeds into a dark, Tree crow flew down, Fall on my side branches, Beautiful dandelion in hand. You will see, Autumn ah, Why do you go so fast. If the onset of winter. Here all the Left a lot of branches Article Crow 更多: , winter is a terrible season? It will devour the whole piece of grass, Whole piece of the pond, or even the whole earth, Also become cold wind. I want to go home with the hands of the dandelion. Do not see it dry, cold and Ah, blew away the Dandelion, to fly far. Do not fall on the cold snow. I will in the coming year and the crows find a new you.

Autumn dry, you slowly, Let the last time I see, The dark yellow weeds of Plexus, Dark color will cover them, Then weed plex becomes a dark, The crows flew down from the trees, Down my side of the branch, In hand beautiful dandelion, As you will see, Fall, Why you go so fast, Winter, Here everything is gone, Left a lot of branches 更多: , Crow, is a terrible season in winter, right? It is going to eat the whole grass, Whole pond, or even the entire earth, The wind will change the cold, Dandelion into the I have to go home, Don't see it dried up, chill, Oh, blow, Dandelion, you want to fly far, Don't fall into the cold and snow, The coming year I will find a new you with Crow.

Autumn dry, would you please more slowly, let the last time I see, this piece of dark yellow miscellaneous grass, the dark color will be covered in them, then the miscellaneous grass was turned into a dark, tree the crows fly please come down, fell on my side branches, the dandelion good beauty in the hand, you will see, autumn ah, why do you want to go so fast, if winter comes, here will be all have no 更多: , only a lot of article branches, a crow, winter is terrible season? it devoured the whole piece of grass, the whole piece of pond, even the whole land, the wind will become I want to take the home to dandelions, don't see it dry and cold, ah, wind, dandelion ah, to fly far, don't fall in the cold of snow, next year I'll and the crows together to find a new you.


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