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1964年1月,当时身为俄勒冈州大学 (Universi.. 翻译

1964年1月,当时身为俄勒冈州大学 (University of Oregon) 田径运动员的菲利普•奈特 (Philip Knight) 和他的教练比尔•鲍尔曼 (Bill Bowerman) 创建了耐克 (Nike)的前身:“蓝丝带体育”(Blue Ribbon Sports) 公司。当时“蓝丝带体育”(Blue Ribbon Sports) 公司是作为经销商代销日本运动鞋品牌 Onitsuka Tiger。比尔•鲍尔曼 (Bill Bowerman) 还设计出一种鞋底有“方格纹”(Waffle Pattern) 的运动鞋。 公司增长迅速。1966年,“蓝丝带体育”(Blue Ribbon Sports) 公司在塔伦顿大街 (Trenton Ave.) 上开了第一家专营店。1972年,随着和代销的日本品牌合作终止,2位创始人决定开发并制造自主设计的鞋。他们把制作任务承包给劳动力廉价的亚洲工厂,并给这种鞋取名叫耐克 (Nike) ,这是依照希腊胜利之神 (Greek goddess of victory) 的名字而取的。 新耐克 (Nike) 鞋的标识是“Swoosh” (意为“嗖的一声”),是由 (Portland State University) 的图形设计学生卡罗琳•戴维森 (Carolyn Davidson) 于1971年设计的。Swoosh 极为醒目、独特、有动感,也就是大家现在熟悉的 NIKE 的那个对勾形标志。以后的每件耐克公司制品上都有这个标记。 1978年,“蓝丝带体育”(Blue Ribbon Sports) 公司正式更名为:耐克公司 (Nike 更多: , Inc.) 。 耐克 (Nike)因为能充分掌握年轻人对运动休闲鞋的需求、了解他们的生活型态与现实的心理渴望,发展出饶具创意的新产品、传播诉求及促销活动,从头到尾都是站在创造消费趋势的排头,耐克 (Nike) 的世界第一并非浪得虚名。 1980年耐克 (Nike) 占据约50%的美国市场份额,初步超过阿迪达斯在美国运动鞋业内坐头把交椅。从那时起,耐克开始实行积极进取的市场活动,签约顶级运动员。 1982年10月,在纽约马拉松赛事播出的季节,第一只耐克 (Nike) 品牌全国电视广告播出。这只电视广告由 Wieden+Kennedy 广告公司 (总部在波兰,是1982年4月刚刚组建的新广告公司) 策划,其后,Wieden+Kennedy 继续为耐克 (Nike) 品牌不断制作出多个创意的平面广告和电视广告,Wieden+Kennedy 广告公司至今仍然是耐克 (Nike) 首要合作的广告公司。 1988年,Wieden+Kennedy 广告公司创始人丹•维登(Dan Wieden) 为耐克 (Nike) 新一轮的广告创造了“只管去做” (Just Do It) 这一响亮的口号。耐克 (Nike) 的“只管去做” (Just Do It) 被著名的《广告年代》杂志 (Advertising Age) 评为20世纪最棒的5条广告标语之一,这次耐克 (Nike) 的广告案例也被记录入史密森学会 (Smithsonian Institution) 的案例教程中。 在20世纪80~90年代的大部分时期,专业运动员被像英雄一样崇拜,因此耐克 (Nike) 投入大量资金,请成功、富有魅力的知名运动员为产品代言,采取是金字塔形形象推广战略。即从塔尖的顶级运动员到国家队,再到NBA联赛省级队,直至包装到普通青少年篮球活动,囊括整个体育用品市场构成的四等级要素。顶级的运动员人数是最少的,但具有很强的辐射力。利用运动员为产品做宣传的不止耐克 (Nike) 一家,但只有耐克 (Nike) 做得最成功。耐克 (Nike) 公司有一句话,经营的秘诀是为运动员制造出优质的鞋,让他们走在时尚的前面,市场的其他人都会追随仿效。 1984年,耐克 (Nike)与乔丹签定了一份5年合同,给乔丹的条件还包括赠予耐克 (Nike) 的股票,以及以前所未有的礼遇——在耐克 (Nike) 运动鞋上使用乔丹的名字。乔丹的总价值合计高达每年100万美元。 这个价目是阿迪达斯或匡威开出的价钱的5倍。阿迪达斯和匡威都认为乔丹不过又是个产品代言人而已,却没想到他会成为一个市场战略和整个运动鞋、运动服生产线的核心。《财富》杂志也曾刊登过一篇醒目报道,认为就耐克 (Nike) 当时的财务状况,签定这么个合同实在是个大错。 结果却证明,耐克 (Nike) 与乔丹的这次合作是个“完胜”的交易,这在很大程度上要归功于乔丹,他超出了许多人的预想。乔丹对耐克 (Nike) 的影响是巨大的。乔丹身上凝聚了活力、声望、高超的竞技水平和令人振奋的体育精神,使耐克 (Nike) 得以跨出跑鞋的圈子,在美国刚刚开始盛行的篮球运动上大做文章。几乎一夜之间,即使不从销量上看,耐克 (Nike) 也成了高档篮球鞋的主导产品。
In January 1964, at the time as the Oregon State University (university of oregon) track and field athlete Philip Knight, philip knight and his coach, Bill Bowerman Bill Bowerman created Nike (nike) predecessor: "Blue Ribbon Sports" (blue the ribbon sports) company. Company of the "Blue Ribbon Sports" (blue the ribbon sports) as a dealer consignment of Japanese sports shoes brand Onitsuka Tiger. Bill Bowerman Bill Bowerman also designed a soles of sports shoes of the "squares" (waffle pattern). Company has grown rapidly.Opened the first franchise store in 1966, the "Blue Ribbon Sports" (blue the ribbon sports) Dayton Street in Tallon (trenton ave.) 1972, with the termination of the consignment of Japanese brands, the two founders decided to develop and manufacture the self-designed shoes. Production tasks contracted out to cheap labor factories in Asia, and take the shoes called Nike (nike), which is the name taken in accordance with the Greek god of victory (greek goddess of victory). New Nike (nike) shoes logo "swoosh" (meaning "whoosh"),Design is a graphic design student Carolyn Davidson (carolyn davidson) (portland state university) in 1971. The swoosh is extremely eye-catching, unique, dynamic, that is, we are now familiar with the nike checkmark-shaped logo. Every Nike products have this tag. 1978, "Blue Ribbon Sports" (blue the ribbon sports), the company formally changed its name to: Nike (nike, inc.) Nike (nike) take full advantage of the needs of young people's sports and leisure shoes to understand their lifestyle and psychological reality of desire,To develop a distinctive new and innovative products, communication demands and promotional activities, from start to finish standing in the creation of the first row of the consumer trends, Nike (nike) in the world for nothing. 1980 Nike (nike) occupy about 50 percent of U.S. market share, more than preliminary Adidas to take the top spot in the U.S. athletic shoe industry. Since then, Nike began to implement a proactive marketing activities, signing top athletes. October 1982 broadcast season in the New York Marathon, the first Nike (nike) brand national television advertising broadcast. The only television advertising wieden kennedy advertising company (headquartered in Poland,Newly established in April 1982, a new advertising agency) planning, Subsequently, wieden kennedy continue to brand Nike (nike) and has been producing more creative print ads and TV commercials wieden kennedy advertising is still the Nike ( nike) Primary cooperative advertising company. 1988, wieden kennedy advertising company founder Dan • Wyden (dan wieden) created a new round of ads for Nike (nike) "just do it" (just do it) loud slogans.Nike (nike) "just do it" (just do it) by the famous "Advertising Age" magazine (advertising age) as the 20th century one of the best five advertising slogan, the Nike (nike) advertising case has also been recorded in the case tutorial Rushimisen Society (Smithsonian Institution). In most of the period of 80 to 90 years of the 20th century 更多: , the professional athlete as a hero worship, Nike (nike) to invest a lot of money, successful, attractive, well-known athletes for product endorsements, to take the pyramid to promote the image of strategy. From the tip of the top athletes to the national team,And then to the provincial team of the nba league until the packaging to the general youth basketball activities, encompassing the entire sporting goods market, consisting of four elements of the hierarchy. The number of top athletes is least, but has a strong radiation. Athletes to do publicity for the product than Nike (nike) one, but the only Nike (nike) most successful. Nike (nike) word, the secret of business is to create high-quality shoes for athletes to let them go in front of the fashion market, others will follow to emulate. 1984, Nike (nike) and Jordan signed a five-year contract,Jordan's condition also includes the grant of the stock of Nike (nike), as well as an unprecedented courtesy - Jordan's name on the sports shoes in the Nike (nike). The total value of Jordan's total up to $ 1 million per year. The price is 5 times the price of Adidas or Converse. Adidas and Converse Jordan but also is a spokesman for the product only, no one thought he would become the core of a market strategy and sports shoes, sportswear production line. "Fortune" magazine has been published in an eye-catching reports, Nike (nike) the financial position at the time, to sign such a contract, it is a big mistake. But the results proved, Nike (nike) and Jordan's cooperation is a "victory" transactions, in large part thanks to Jordan, he is beyond many people expected. Jordan Nike (nike) the impact is huge. Jordan, who embodies the vitality, prestige, and the superb level of competition and the exciting spirit of sport, Nike (nike) to be taken the shoes of the circle, make a big fuss on the basketball in the United States has just started to spread. Almost overnight, if not from a sales point of view, Nike (nike) has become the dominant product of the high-end basketball shoes.

In January 1964, when being a University of Oregon (University of Oregon), track and field athletes of Philip H. Knight (Philip Knight) and his coach Bill Bowerman (Bill Bowerman) created Nike (Nike) was: "Blue Ribbon sports" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company. "Blue Ribbon sports" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company as a dealer to sell Japan Onitsuka Tiger sneaker brand. Bill Bowerman (Bill Bowerman) soles also devised a "square pattern" (Waffle Pattern) sneakers. Company is growing fast.In 1966, the "Blue Ribbon sports" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company in talundun Avenue (Trenton Ave.), opened its first franchise store. In 1972, and sales of Japan brand cooperation termination, 2 founders decided to develop autonomous design and manufacturing of shoes. Their tasks contracted to produce labor cheap factories in Asia, and name the shoes called Nike (Nike), which is in accordance with Greece victory of God (Greek goddess of victory), taking the name of. New Nike (Nike) identification of the shoe is the "Swoosh" ("goes"),Is the (Portland State University) graphic design student Caroline · Davidson (Carolyn Davidson) designed in 1971. Swoosh is eye-catching, unique, dynamic, now that you are familiar with the on the cusp of the NIKE logo. Since every Nike products are on the mark. 1978 years, "Blue Ribbon sports" (Blue Ribbon Sports), the company officially changed its name to: Nike (Nike, Inc.). Nike (Nike) can fully grasp the needs of the young people to sport casual shoes and understand their lifestyle and reality of mental desire,Development aspirations and innovative new products, great communication and promotion activities, from beginning to end is creation consumer tendencies of Pai Tau, Nike (Nike) is not the first in the world of Fame. 1980-year Nike (Nike) occupies about 50% of the United States market share, initially over adidas United States sports shoes take top spot in the industry. From then on, Nike introduced aggressive marketing activities, signed top athletes. 1982-year in October, the season of aired in the New York Marathon, the first Nike (Nike) branded the national broadcast television advertising. This television advertisement by Wieden Kennedy advertising agency (based in Poland,Was in April 1982 to form a new advertising company) planned, Wieden Kennedy continued as Nike (Nike) brand continued to produce more creative print ads and television commercials, Wieden Kennedy advertising agency is still the Nike (Nike) primary cooperative advertising company. 1988 year, Wieden Kennedy advertising agency founder Dan Wieden (Dan Wieden) Nike (Nike) new round of ads to create a "just do it" (Just Do It) the loud slogans.Nike (Nike) "just do it" (Just Do It) is famous for the advertising age magazine (Advertising Age) awarded best 5 one of the advertising slogans in the 20th century 更多: , the Nike (Nike) Ad cases were also recorded in the Smithsonian Institution (Smithsonian Institution) in case tutorial. During the 20th century most of the year, professional athletes were like hero worship, Nike (Nike) invest a lot of money, success, charm of the well-known athletes to product endorsements, is a pyramid-shaped image promotion strategy. From Spire top players to the national team,Then to the NBA League provincial team, until the package to the General youth basketball activities, consisting of four levels covering the entire sporting goods market factors. Number is the minimum number of top players, but has a very strong radiative forcing. Athletes do publicity for the products of more than Nike (Nike), but the only Nike (Nike) to be the most successful. Nike (Nike) saying the company, management is the secret for the athletes to produce high quality shoes, let them go ahead of the fashion, others will follow the market to follow. 1984 year, Nike (Nike) and Jordan signed a 5 year contract,Conditions also include gifts to the Jordan Nike (Nike) stock, and an unprecedented – courtesy of Nike (Nike) used on sneakers Michael Jordan's name. Jordan total aggregate value of up to $ 1 million per year. The price is adidas and Converse out of 5 times the price. Adidas and Converse are think Jordan but another spokesman, didn't think he would be a market strategy and the core of sports shoes, sportswear lines. Fortune magazine has published a bold report, think Nike (Nike) financial situation at the time, signing a contract is simply a mistake. But proved, Nike (Nike) and Jordan's cooperation is a "Wansheng" transactions, which owes in large part to Michael Jordan, he than many people expected. Michael Jordan Nike (Nike) is a huge effect. Jordan who embodies the vitality and prestige, high levels of competitive and exciting sports, Nike (Nike) out of running circles, United States basketball just beginning to flourish, he talked. Almost overnight, even if not seen from the sales, Nike (Nike) also became a leading product in the high-end basketball shoe.

In January 1964, when as Oregon University (University of Oregon) track and field athlete's Philip Knight (Philip Knight) and his coach, Bill bormann (Bill Bowerman) to create the Nike (Nike) of the predecessor of the:"Blue Ribbon Sports" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company. When "Blue Ribbon Sports" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company is as dealers to sell goods on a commission basis Japan Sports shoes brand Onitsuka Tiger.Bill • bormann (Bill Bowerman) also design a sole have "grid lines" (Waffle Pattern) shoes. company growth quickly. In 1966, "Blue Ribbon Sports" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company in the tower's Aaron street (Trenton Ave.) first opened a store.In 1972, as the Japanese brand sale on a commission basis and cooperation terminated, two founders decided to develop and manufacture independent design shoes. They made the task of cheap labor contracts for Asian factory, and to this kind of shoes was named Nike (Nike),This is in accordance with the god of the Greek victory (Greek goddess of victory) name and take. new Nike (Nike shoes logo is "Swoosh" (meaning "whizzed past sound"),By (Portland State University) graphic design students Caroline Davidson (Carolyn Davidson) in 1971 of the design. Swoosh very eye-catching, unique, and move feeling, which you can now familiar to the NIKE the cusp sign.After each Nike products have the mark. 1978, "Blue Ribbon Sports" (Blue Ribbon Sports) company officially changed its name to: Nike (Nike, Inc.). Nike (Nike) can fully grasp the young people because of the demand of movement leisure shoes,Understand their lifestyle and the reality of psychological desire, develop rao creative new products, communication appeal and promotional activities, from beginning to end was standing in the creation of the consumer market trend, Nike (Nike) world first not wave get hollow reputation. 1980 Nike (Nike) occupy about 50% of the U.S. market share,Preliminary more than in the United States in the industry by adidas sneakers head the current campaign. From then on, Nike began to implement the positive enterprising market activity, signing top athletes. in October 1982, in the New York marathon event broadcast season, the first only Nike (Nike) brand TV ads across the country.This only TV advertising from Wieden Kennedy advertising, a company based in Poland, is April 1982 a new advertising company just) planning, ever since, for Nike Wieden Kennedy to continue (Nike) brand keep making out several creative AD and television ads,Wieden Kennedy advertising company is still Nike (Nike) first cooperative advertising company. 1988,Wieden Kennedy advertising company founder Dan d auden (Dan Wieden) for Nike (Nike) a new round of advertising created the "Just Do It" (Just Do It) this loud slogan.Nike (Nike) "Just Do It" (Just Do It) was famous for the Advertising s magazine (Advertising Age) as the best article 5 of the 20 th century one of the Advertising slogan 更多: ,The Nike (Nike) advertising case was also record into the Smithsonian Institution (Smithsonian Institution) case tutorial. in 20 century 80 ~ 90 s for most of the period, professional athletes was like a hero worship, therefore Nike (Nike) invest a lot of money, please success,Attractive famous athletes for product endorsements, take is pyramid image promotion strategy. That is up from the top athletes to the national team, and then to NBA league provincial team until the packaging to the ordinary youth basketball activities, including the whole sports goods market consists of four level factors.Top athletes is the minimum number, but has the very strong radiation. Using athletes do propaganda for the product more than Nike (Nike) a, but only Nike (Nike) made the most successful. Nike (Nike) company have a word, business is a secret for athletes make quality shoes,Let them go in the front of the fashion, the rest of the market will follow emulated. in 1984, Nike (Nike) and Jordan signed a five-year contract, to Jordan's condition is also including given Nike (Nike) stock, and with unprecedented courtesy-in Nike (Nike) use the name of the Jordan sneakers.The total value of Jordan combined as high as $1 million a year. this price is the price of all the adidas or out of 5 times. Adidas and all that Jordan but and is a product spokesperson just, but thought that he would be a marketing strategy and the whole sports shoes, sports wear the core of the production line."Fortune" magazine has published a striking reports, think that Nike (Nike) at the time, the financial situation, so it is a contract signed a big mistake. results but the certificate, Nike (Nike) and Jordan's the cooperation is a "win" deal, this is largely thanks to Jordan,He exceeded the many people anticipated. Jordan to Nike (Nike) influence is huge. Jordan on energy, prestige, condensed the superb competitive level and exciting sports spirit, Nike (Nike) to step out of the running of the circle, just in the United States beginning in basketball sports to pounce.Almost overnight, even if not from sales on look, Nike (Nike) has become the main products of high-grade basketball shoes.


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