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老师们早上好, 也许你们见过我, 有人记得,有人忘了.. 翻译

老师们早上好, 也许你们见过我, 有人记得,有人忘了, 那么就请让我再做一次自我介绍吧,我叫张伟娜今年十二岁,生日是两千年九月四日,属大龙,来自裕华区玛斯双语学校六一班 更多: ,我喜欢素描,音乐,写作等 我也喜欢英语,是因为我觉得从小学习英语不仅能开发我们大脑的灵活度,还能避免我们上中学后学习英语时遇到太多困难,长大后英语还可以用于各个领域,所以我要好好学英语,将来学以致用。
Teachers Good morning, Perhaps you've seen me. Remember, somebody forgot to So please let me do it again introduce myself, my name is Zhang Weina this year, the age of twelve, six intervals of the birthday is September 4, two thousand years is a large dragon, from Masi, Yuhua District, bilingual schools 更多: , I like to sketch , music, writing, etc. I also like the English, because I think an early age to learn English not only can develop the flexibility of our brain, but also to avoid that we encounter too many difficulties in learning English in high school, grew up in English can also be used in various fields, so I must learn English, apply their knowledge in the future.

Teachers are good in the morning, Maybe you met me, Remembered, it was forgotten, Just please let me do it again to introduce myself, my name is Zhang Weina is 12 years old, two qiannian birthday is on September 4, is a large Dragon, from bilingual schools in Yuhua District Ma Children's Day class 更多: , I like drawing, music, writing I like English, because I feel that learning English can not only develop our brains since childhood of flexibility, post-secondary learning English also avoids us having too much difficulty, grew up in English can also be used in various fields, so I want to learn English, and apply what they have learned in the future.

Good morning, teacher, maybe you saw me, someone remember, someone forgot, then please let me do it again introduce myself? My name is ZhangWeiNa this year twelve years old, and birthday is in September the four days, belong to the great dragon, yuhua district, from manasseh bilingual school six class 更多: , I like the sketch, music,Writing, I also like English , because I think from learning English can not only develop our brain flexibility, also can avoid we learn English in high school when after encounter too many difficulties, grew up English can also be used in every field, so I learn English by heart, to apply it in the future.


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