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我叫李扬,是一名学生。我和妈妈都喜欢购物。我通常在周末去.. 翻译

我叫李扬,是一名学生。我和妈妈都喜欢购物。我通常在周末去一家书店,那儿有许多有趣的书。有时候我会在那家书店呆上一个小时。我妈妈喜欢去服装店。她已有三十多条长裙 更多: ,可她还想买更多的长裙。长裙是她的最爱。有时候我妈妈要求我爸爸一起去,但我爸爸总是说他没空。
My name is Li Yang, a student. Mom and I like shopping. I usually go to a bookstore over the weekend, there are many interesting books. Sometimes I would spend one hour in the bookstore. My mother likes to go to the clothing store. She has more than 30 dress 更多: , but she also wants to buy more dress. The dress is her favorite. Sometimes my mother asked my father to go, but my father always said he did not empty.

My name is Li Yang, is a student. My mother and I are fond of shopping. I usually go to a bookstore over the weekend, there are lots of interesting books. Sometimes I will stay at the bookstore for an hour. My mom likes to go to clothing stores. She has more than 30 pieces of long skirts 更多: , but she also wants to buy more long skirts. Long skirts are her favorite. Sometimes my mother asked my father to go to, but my dad always said he didn't have time.

My name is LiYang, is a student. My mother and I are like shopping. I usually go to a bookstore at the weekend, there are many interesting book. Sometimes I will stay in the bookshop that in an hour. My mother likes to go to clothing store. She has more than 30 dress 更多: , but she also wants to buy more long skirt. Long skirt is her favorite.Sometimes my mother asked me father go, but my father always said he won't be free.


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