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赛前我就说,意大利和德国那场比赛状态太好,到了这场和西班.. 翻译

赛前我就说,意大利和德国那场比赛状态太好,到了这场和西班牙队的比赛是不是还能延续是个问题。果然,意大利的状态差了很多,相反西班牙倒是一改此前的低迷,打出了和对葡萄牙队那场比赛时完全不同的精气神。如此对比,西班牙赢球也就一点不意外了。但是,意大利输了4个球,就不仅仅是状态的问题了,这是战术问题。这场比赛,意大利在3个方面出了问题。 第一,他们放弃了此前的5后卫阵型而改打4后卫,这就造成了后防线空当大,给西班牙的进攻很多可乘之机。第二,最致命的一点是他们选择了压上去的战略,比赛中他们的后防线一度推到了西班牙队的半场。这个打法打西班牙这样的队根本不行,造成了意大利队的后防不断出现漏洞,西班牙队的第二个进球就是最好的证明。第三,意大利队的换人也存在争议。下半场,莫塔换下蒙托利沃这绝对是个疑问手。因为蒙托利沃本场比赛表现一直不错 更多: ,可以说是除皮尔洛之外的全场第二核心。而在皮尔洛被西班牙队盯死之后,蒙托利沃一度为意大利队制造了不少的机会。结果,莫塔上场才3分钟就受伤,剩下10个人的意大利等于提前缴械。 当然,这场比赛也有运气的成分在。比如上半场意大利队基耶利尼的受伤就非常可惜,虽然替换他上场的巴尔扎雷蒂能力也不错,但从整体战术上看,意大利队还是因基耶利尼的下场受到了影响。另外,下半场替补出场的迪纳塔莱也有几个得分机会,如果其中一个进了,那么意大利队也还是有的打的。 不管怎么说,从今晨这场决赛还是可以得出这样一个结论:西班牙果然是目前世界上最强的球队,现在没人能望其项背。无论是技战术优势、足球意识,还是整体组织和攻防转换的能力,西班牙队都有不小的优势。另外从今晨和意大利队的对阵中,我发现西班牙队的局部控球能力也在提高。所以,要想击败这样一支西班牙队,真的会很困难,可能只有严防死守、寻求反击机会这一条路可走了
Before I say, Italy and Germany the state of the game very good to this game and Spain is also continuity is a problem. Sure enough, the Italian state of poor, the opposite Spain touches a change in the previous downturn, played a completely different games against Portugal and Manner. Such a comparison, the Spanish win it is not unexpected. However, Italy has lost four balls, more than just state the problem, this is a matter of tactics. The game, Italy in the three aspects of a problem. First, they give up the previous five-guard formation instead playing four guards.This has resulted in the air when the defense offensive to Spain a lot of opportunity. The second most deadly is that they choose the strategy of pressure up their defense in the game once pushed to the half of Spain. This style of play to fight the Spanish team did not, resulting in the Italian team's defense is constantly a loophole, Spain's second goal is the best proof. Third, the Italian team's substitutions also in dispute. The second half, Mota replaced Montolivo This is definitely questionable hands. Because the the Montolivo game performance has been good, it can be said that in addition to Pirlo beyond the audience of the second core.Pirlo was the Spanish team Dingsi Montolivo once the Italian team has created many opportunities. A result, Motta played only three minutes on the injured, the remaining 10 individuals Italy equal to disarm in advance. Of course, the game of luck composition. Such as injured in the first half, Chiellini, Italy 更多: , on a great pity, the Balzaretti ability to replace him play is also good, but the overall tactical point of view, the fate of Italy team or 因基耶利尼, have been affected. Di Natale, the second half off the bench a few scoring opportunities, if one into theItaly is still some fight. In any case, or such a conclusion can be drawn from this morning, this final: Spain really is the strongest team in the world, now no one can hold a candle. Both the technical and tactical advantages, football awareness, or the overall organization and the ability to switch offense and defense, Spain has a small advantage. In addition, from this morning, and Italy against, I found that local control of the ball in Spain is also improving. Therefore, such a Spanish team to beat, really very difficult, may be only to prevent sticking, seeking a chance to counterattack this road to go

I said before the match, Italy and Germany that game very well, and dropped by the Spain team competitions are also continued to be a problem. As expected, Italy State difference a lot, on the contrary Spain is changed after the downturn, hit and the Portugal team when the game completely different Vitale. Such a comparison, Spain win also was not unexpected. However, Italy lost 4 balls, not just the status of issues, this is a tactical problem. This game, Italy in 3 out of the question. First, who have given up their previous formation 4 instead of 5 guard DefenderThis caused the rear line Windows, to Spain attacks a lot of chances. Second, the most deadly is they chose the strategy of pressure, their defence lines in the game once pushed to the Spain team of halftime. This game play Spain such team is simply not, causing Italy team rear emerging vulnerabilities, Spain's second goal is the best proof of that. Thirdly, Italy team's substitution is also controversial. The second half, Mota replaced Riccardo Montolivo for us is really doubtful. As Riccardo Montolivo the game performance has been good, it can be said is the second core audience in addition to Andrea Pirlo.And Andrea Pirlo was Spain teams stare after death, Montolivo was once Italy team created a lot of opportunities. The result 更多: , Mota injured playing only 3 minutes, leaving 10 people of Italy is disarming in advance. Of course, have a luck element, in this match. For example the first half Italy Giorgio Chiellini was injured on a great pity, while replacing his ability to play Balzaretti is also good, but from the overall tactical point of view, Italy team are Giorgio Chiellini's fate had been affected. In addition, second half substitute appearance of Antonio Di Natale had several scoring opportunities, if you were one,Italy team is playing. Anyway, from this morning in this final was such a conclusion can be drawn: Spain really is by far the strongest team in the world, but nobody can match. Both technical and tactical advantages, football sense, or the overall organization and the ability to change-over, Spain team has no small advantage. From this morning, and Italy in the team's game against, I find Spain local ball capacity increases. So, in order to defeat such a Spain team, really will be very difficult, may only prevent clinging, sought to counter a chance it has a way to go

Before the game I said, Italy and Germany that game state too good, to Spain and the game is still can continue is a problem. Sure enough, the Italian state sent many, on the contrary is a change of Spain after downturn, played the game and Portugal is completely different from when the vigor of.So contrast, Spain win will not accidental. However, the Italian lost four goals, and it is not just the state of, this is tactical problems. The game, Italy in three aspects out the problem. first, they give up the previous five defender of the formation and change play four defender,This creates a big gap in defence, to Spain's offensive many favour. Second, the most deadly is they choose the pressure up strategy, match their defence once pushed the half of Spain. The dozen dozen Spain such teams don't,Caused the Italy's defence appear constantly loophole, Spain's second goal is the best proof. Third, Italy's substitution also controversial. In the second half, Marco motta replaced montolivo this is absolutely a doubt hand. Because be the game's WoBen has always been good,Can say is outside of the second game except Andrea pirlo core. And in Spanish at after death by Andrea pirlo, montolivo was once in the Italian team has made a lot of opportunities. The results, only three minutes to play thiago motta injury 更多: , and the rest of the 10 people is equal to Italy in advance to disarm. and, of course,The game is also an element of luck in. In the first half, such as Italy, jeiel injury very pity, although replace him playing balzaretti ability is also good, but from the whole tactics on look, Italy or because the jeiel, the next was affected. In addition,The second half substitute Antonio di natale also have several chances to score, if one of them into the, then Italy also or some dozen. anyway, this morning from the final or can get such a conclusion: Spain and is currently the best team in the world, now no one can watch with admiration.Both techniques and tactics advantage, football consciousness, or overall organization and the ability of the transition), Spain has a lot of advantages. Another from this morning and Italy's, I found that the Spanish local ball control also is rising. So, want to beat such a Spain, really difficult,Probably only defend, seeking counterattack chance this one way the


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