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其实意大利和德国那场球踢完,我就说了,这是提前上演的决赛.. 翻译

其实意大利和德国那场球踢完,我就说了,这是提前上演的决赛了。因为意大利把劲儿都用在德国人身上了,这口气没有到底。而西班牙队不同,一口气用到了最后。 这场球的进程和意大利打德国队那场多像啊!都是不到半场就已经2比0了,我觉得意大利队被西班牙队“以其人之道还治其人之身”了。意大利打德国的时候,德国就骄傲得不得了,结果被意大利抓住反击机会赢了。意大利过了德国这一关之后,其实也没把西班牙太放在眼里,这与西班牙进决赛的一路表现有关。而西班牙主帅博斯克正是抓住了意大利队这种疏忽放松的心理,在开场之后用节奏的变化和快速的反击迅速取得了领先,2比0之后就已经把悬念都踢跑了。 我其实是不愿意看到西班牙队再夺冠军的,因为我希望换个面孔拿冠军,这样更好看,更有戏剧性。但博斯克拥有完整的强大阵容 更多: ,而且他确实用兵如神并且经验丰富。虽然意大利也拿过很多大赛冠军,但上一次已是2006年了。最关键的是意大利现在的主帅没有拿大赛冠军的经验,这就像一个刚刚参加工作的大学讲师或者演员一样,是要紧张的,是要犯错误的。要想在讲台和舞台上把话说利索,完全放松,那是需要深厚的经验的,而现在的意大利欠缺这个。 祝贺西班牙,他们夺冠实至名归。也祝贺意大利,他们获得亚军也很不容易。一支4强水平的球队能够进决赛,拿到亚军也应该满意了。感谢所有熬夜看球的球迷,能和你们有这样的共同经历,能够有机会和你们聊球,我非常开心。现在,我已经在期待两年后的世界杯了!再见
In fact, Italy and Germany after playing football on television, I said, this is the final staged in advance. Italy to hammer used in the German body, this feeling is not in the end. Spain breath used in the final. The process of this ball, and Italy to play the German team that much like the Are less than half had been 2 to 0, I think Italy, Spain "eye for an eye a man as he". Italy to fight in Germany, the German am proud, very, very, Italy to seize the chance to counterattack win. The Italy Germany hurdle, in fact did not Spain too looked down on.This is all the way to the performance of Spain into the final. Spain coach Vicente del Bosque is to seize the psychological relaxation by the Italian team this negligence, with a change of pace after the opening and rapid counter-attack quickly took the lead 2-0 after the suspense is played ran. Actually, I do not want to see the Spanish team won another championship, because I want to change the face to take the championship 更多: , so look better, more dramatic. Bosque has a complete and powerful lineup, and he really forces such as God and experienced. Italy took a lot of champion, but the last time in 2006.The most critical is the coach of Italy did not take the championship experience, It's like a just participated in a university lecturer or actor is nervous to make mistakes. To the words on the podium and stage agile, completely relaxed, it is a profound experience, and Italian lack of this. Congratulations to Spain, they deserved to win. Congratulations to Italy, they receive the runner-up is not easy. A four level team to the finals, runner-up should also be satisfied. To thank all the fans stay up late watching, and you have this common experience,To have the opportunity and you talk to the ball, I am very happy. Now, I've been looking forward to two years after the World Cup! Goodbye

Italy and Germany that kicked the ball out, I would have said, this is the early stage of the finals. As Italy were spent on the Germans had a kick, which did not in the end. Spain teams different, used last breath. The game process and Italy beat Germany team that like Ah! Are less than half has been 2:0, I think Italy is Spain "do unto others what." Italy beat Germany when Germany pride so much, the result was Italy seized to counter the chance of winning. Italy Germany after this one, actually didn't put Spain too seriously,This Spain into the final of the performance all the way. Spain coach Philip Bosco is caught Italy such negligence relax mental, after opening with variation in tempo and quick counterattack quickly made the lead, after 2:0 had kicked the suspense is run. I actually don't want to see Spain claimed the Championship again, because I want to change my face took the Championship, even better, more dramatic. But Bo Basque has a complete portfolio of powerful, but he did deploy troops with great skill and experience. Although Italy also took a lot of Championships 更多: , but the last is the 2006 year.Most critical is Italy coach now no experience in Championship, it was like a work lecturer at the University, or actor, is intense, is most wrong. To be on the podium and stage made fast, completely relaxed, it is necessary to profound experience, and now Italy lacks this. Congratulations to Spain, they won rightfully. Would also like to congratulate Italy, who on Sunday is also not easy. A 4 top level team to finals, got the runner-up also ought to be satisfied. Thank all the fans stay up late to watch the game, and you have the common experience,Will have a chance to chat with you balls, I am very happy. Now, I've been looking forward to World Cup in two years! Good bye

In fact Italy and Germany after the play, I said, this is the final stage in advance. Because Italy is in the German body, not exactly this tone. And the Spanish is different, with one breath to the last. the ball the process and the Italian play Germany more like that!!!!!Are less than half have 2-0, I think the Italian team is the Spanish "to pay a person in his own way in his own coin. Play Germany when Italy, Germany is incredibly proud, Italy to seize the opportunity to win back....... Italy after Germany after the close,In fact also didn't put the Spanish too on the eyes, this and Spain all the way into the final on performance. And Spain coach del bosque was caught Italy this neglect relaxed psychology, in with the change after the rhythm and rapid counterattack quickly took the lead after the 2-0 has put the suspense is played all run. I actually is not willing to see the Spanish champions of the take, because I hope to change the face championship, so look better, even more dramatic. But del bosque have a squad of complete, and he really YongBingRuShen and the rich in experience. Although the Italian will also take many champion 更多: ,But when was the last time already is 2006 years. The key is Italy boss did not take now champion experience, it's like a just participate in the work of the university lecturer or actors, is to be nervous, is make the wrong. To be on the platform and stage the words and agile, relax,It is profound experience to, and now the lack of Italy. congratulations on Spain, they deserved win. Congratulations to Italy, they were runners-up also very not easy. A 4 strong level of the team to the final, get runners-up also should be happy. Thank you to all stay up fans watching the,And you can have this Shared experiences, to have a chance to you chat ball, I am very happy. Now, I have been looking forward to two years after the World Cup. Goodbye


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