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本文主要分为四部分;第一部分,主要讨论抢劫罪的概念和构成.. 翻译

本文主要分为四部分;第一部分,主要讨论抢劫罪的概念和构成要件。抢劫罪的概念虽然有很多不同的表述方式,但是核心思想是相近的,抢劫罪是以非法占有为目的,对财物的所有人或者保管人当场使用暴力、胁迫或者其他方法,强行将公私财物抢走的行为。第二部分,主要讨论抢劫罪的犯罪形态。抢劫罪的既遂与未遂的区分是以行为人是否非法占有他人财物作为标准 更多: ,但只要行为人的抢劫行为致被害人重伤、死亡的结果出现,则也认定为抢劫罪的既遂;根据《刑法》第236条后半段规定的八种情形把情节加重犯和结果加重犯区别开来;抢劫罪的犯罪中止形态主要从它的时间性、自动性、彻底性三个特征来介绍。第三部分,主要讨论抢劫犯罪中故意杀人行为的定性分析。抢劫罪和故意杀人罪的区别主要表现在犯罪目的和犯罪客体方面,从四种犯罪情形具体的了解抢劫罪和故意杀人罪的区别。第四部分,主要讨论抢劫罪的量刑幅度。抢劫罪的量刑起点是3年,对于由家庭内部矛盾引起的抢劫家人的行为不认定为是抢劫罪;情节轻微的抢劫罪最低量刑起点也是3年,未成年人抢劫犯罪必须年满十四周岁才能对其定罪量刑。
This article is divided into four parts; the first part focuses on the concepts and elements of robbery. Although there are many different interpretations of the concept of the robbery, but the core idea is similar to the robbery by illegal possession for the purpose, the owner or custodian of the property on the spot to use violence, coercion or other means, to force the public and private property grab the behavior of the walk. The second part focuses on the patterns of crime of robbery. Accomplished of robbery and attempted distinction is whether the perpetrator of illegal possession of property of others as a standard, but as long as the acts of people looting caused the victim serious injury, death results toIs also identified as the robbery consummated; aggravated offense and consequential offense to distinguish eight kinds of situations based on half of the provisions of section 236 of the Penal Code; robbery crime suspend the form automatically from it temporality 更多: , and thoroughness of the three characteristics to describe. The third part focuses on the qualitative analysis of intentional killings in the crime of robbery. Robbery and intentional murder, the main difference between the performance of specific knowledge from four criminal case in the criminal purpose and object of a crime, robbery, and the difference between intentional homicide. The fourth part focuses on the robbery, the sentencing range. The starting point of the robbery three years,Robbery family behavior caused by the conflicts within the family is not identified as robbery; minor robbery minimum starting point is three years, the crime of robbery of minors must be at least 14 years of age to their conviction and sentencing.

This article is divided into four parts; the first part, with a focus on concepts and elements of the crime of robbery. Concept although there are many different interpretations of the robbery, but the core idea is similar, robbery is for the purpose of illegal possession, property owners or custodians of the use of violence, coercion or other method, force the behavior of public and private property taking. The second part, with a focus on patterns of crime of robbery. Attempted robbery of accomplishment and distinction to the perpetrator of illegal occupation of property of others as a standard, but as long as the perpetrators of robbery victims caused by serious injury or death results 更多: ,Accomplished is also identified as the robbery; second half according to article No. 236 of the Criminal Code provides eight cases and distinguish the aggravated consequence crime committed aggravated; aborted robbery crime forms primarily from its time, automatic, complete three characteristics of introduce. The third part, with a focus on qualitative analysis of acts of intentional homicide in the robbery. Difference between robbery and murder mainly in the purpose and object of the crime of crimes, from four different criminal cases about the difference between robbery and murder. Part IV, focus on sentencing for robbery. Robbery sentencing starting point is 3 years,Family robbed family members not recognized as due to internal contradictions are robbery; minor minimum sentencing starting point is 3 years for robbery, robbery of minors must be at least 14 years old to their conviction and sentencing.

This paper mainly divided into four parts; The first part, mainly discuss the concept of robbery and constituents. The concept of robbery while there are many different expressions, but the core idea is similar, robbery is for the purpose of illegal possession of the property owner or the depository USES violence on the spot,Stress or other methods, forced the public or private property take behavior. The second part, mainly discuss the robbery crime form. The accomplishment and the attempted robbery, the distinction between the actor is whether others' property of illegal possession as a standard, but as long as the actor rob behavior to the victim of serious injury or death results appear 更多: ,It also recognized for a robbery of accomplishment; According to article 236 of the criminal provisions of the second half of the eight kinds of situations and make the aggravating circumstances consequential offence distinguish between; Robbery crime to suspend the form of timeliness, mainly from it ZiDongXing thoroughness, three characteristics to introduce. The third part,Mainly discuss robbery in the crime of intentionally killing behavior of the qualitative analysis. Robbery and intentional homicide difference is mainly manifested in the criminal purposes and crime object, from four crime situation specific understand the difference between intentional homicide and robbery. The fourth part, mainly discuss robbery of sentencing range.Robbery of sentencing starting point is 3 years, for the family of the internal contradictions caused by the behavior of the robbery is not considered for family is robbery; If the circumstances are minor robbery minimum sentencing starting point is 3 years, minor robbery crime must be at least 10 years of its around to conviction.


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