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华沙消息:2012年欧洲杯四分之一决赛当地时间21日晚拉.. 翻译

华沙消息:2012年欧洲杯四分之一决赛当地时间21日晚拉开帷幕。葡萄牙队凭借克里斯蒂亚诺•罗纳尔多(C罗)下半场的关键进球1球小胜捷克,挺进半决赛。 本场比赛中,C罗延续了此前的良好状态,与队友在两个边路频繁换位,屡屡制造杀机。第35分钟,葡萄牙队赢得前场任意球机会。C罗主罚的任意球绕过人墙飞向球门远端,只可惜皮球滑门而过。 第44分钟,葡萄牙队梅雷莱斯长传,C罗胸部停球后强行起脚打门,皮球击中门柱后偏出。整个上半场比赛,运气始终没有站在C罗一边。 捷克队上半场扮演了陪练的角色,门将切赫做出了多次精彩扑救。捷克队对C罗、纳尼以及波斯蒂加等人进行了重点盯防,每当这些队员拿球时身前总有捷克球员逼抢。捷克队的战术打法非常清晰,在稳固防守的前提下抓反击机会。第18分钟,捷克队右路精确传中,包抄门前的巴罗什倒地铲射,只可惜球速过快,巴罗什没有蹭到皮球。这也是捷克整场比赛距离进球最近的一次机会。 进入下半场 更多: ,葡萄牙队继续围攻之势,全场比赛射门次数达到20次之多。第49分钟上,C罗再次主罚任意球。他踢出的“电梯球”再次绕过人墙,并再次击中门柱。葡萄牙队长的坏运气还在延续。 第58分钟,葡萄牙队右路传中,替补出场的前锋阿尔梅达中路高高跃起,将球顶入球门。但助理裁判举旗示意进球的阿尔梅达越位,捷克后防线虚惊一场。 一百次的尝试总是为了最后的那一粒进球。终于,C罗凭借一记势大力沉的头球敲开了捷克队的大门。第79分钟,葡萄牙队穆蒂尼奥右路高速前插后传中,前点的阿尔梅达没有顶到皮球,埋伏在后点的C罗绕过塞拉西的防守鱼跃冲顶,皮球飞入球门上角。 最终,葡萄牙队凭借C罗金子般的进球淘汰了捷克队。 法新社赛后评论称,C罗本场的竞技状态已达到巅峰。C罗的表现很大程度上决定了葡萄牙队在本届欧洲杯能走多远。4场比赛打入3球,C罗完成了自己在国家队的华丽蜕变。 当地时间22日晚,第二场四分之一决赛将在夺冠大热德国和希腊之间进行
Warsaw news: The 2012 European Cup quarter-finals kicked off the evening of 21 local time. Portugal, with the second half of the key goals of Cristiano Ronaldo (c Lo) a ball victory over the Czech Republic to advance to the semifinals. This game, c Lo continuation of previous good condition, two wingers and his teammates frequently transposed, repeatedly manufacturing Murder. The first 35 minutes, the Portuguese team to win before kick opportunities. c Luo free kick around the wall and fly to the goal remote Unfortunately, the ball sliding doors. The first 44 minutes, Portugal Meireleis a long pass, c Lo chest after stopping forced kicker hit the door, after the ball hit the post wide.The entire first half, the luck has not stood c Lo side. Czech team the first half plays the role of the players but goalkeeper Petr Cech made several times brilliant saves. Czech Republic c Ronaldo, Nani and Postiga focus on man-mark, the total Czech players closing down whenever these players get the ball in front. Tactics of the Czech team is very clear, grab the chance to counterattack under the premise of a solid defense. 18 minutes, the Czech team on the right in a precise pass, in front of outflanking the Baros fell to the ground shovel, but unfortunately the ball too fast, Baros rubs up against the ball. This is also the Czech Republic the whole race distance goals as an opportunity. Into the second half, the Portuguese team to continue the siege 更多: , the whole game shots at the goal 20 times. 49 minutes, c Lo kick again. Kicking him out of the "lift the ball around the wall again, and again hit the post. Portugal captain's bad luck continues. 58 minutes, the Portuguese team on the right pass in coming off the bench striker Hugo Almeida Middle Road, leaping high, the top of the ball to score the door. Almeida offside but the assistant referee raise his flag to indicate the score, the Czech defense a false alarm. A hundred times, try always to the last one of the goals. Finally, thec Lo with a-remember Shitailichen header knocked the door of the Czech Republic. 79 minutes, Moutinho, the Portuguese team on the right after the high-speed forward runs, pass, point Almeida did not top the ball, diving header from the ambush after the point c Lo to bypass the defense of Selassie, the ball flying upper corner of the goal door. In the end, Portugal With the goal of c Luo Jinzi out of the Czech team. Agence France-Presse after the game commented, c Robben competitive state has reached its peak. c Ronaldo's performance largely determines the Portuguese team can go far in the current European Cup. Four games, scored three goals, c Lo completed his magnificent transformation in the national team. 22 local time the evening of the second quarter-final will be between the hot favorite to win Germany and Greece

Warsaw message: 2012 European Cup finals one-fourth opened 21st night local time. Portugal squad by virtue of kelisidiyanuo·luonaerduo (Ronaldo) second half of the 1 ball key scored a small victory of the Czech, entered the semi-finals. The game, Ronaldo continue a previously good state, with his teammates in the two wing frequently transposed, repeatedly making the beholder. 35 minutes, Portugal team frontcourt won free kick opportunity. Ronaldo free kick master fined distal fly to bypass the cordon to the goal, but unfortunately the ball sliding doors over. 44 minutes, Portugal team Henrique de Campos Meirelles students ' kickball, Ronaldo forced to register after chesting knock at the door, after the ball hit the post.Throughout the first half and the game, luck is never on Ronaldo side. Czech Republic plays the role of ' the first half, goalkeeper Petr Cech made a fantastic save multiple times. Czech team, Ronaldo, Nani, Postiga, who had focused on prevention, when players take the ball when former Czech player forcing Rob. Tactics of the Czech team is very clear, stick under the premise of a solid defensive back opportunity. 18 minutes, the Czech team, Beck, accurate cross, Milan baros ' feet and shot in front of users, but unfortunately the ball speed too fast 更多: , Milan baros ' did not rub the ball. This is an opportunity for the Czech tournament goal nearest. Entering the second half, Portugal continued to tend to the siege, the winner was shot more than 20 times the number. On the 49th minute, Ronaldo again the primary free kick. He kicked out "elevator ball" again to bypass the cordon and once again hit the post. Portugal captain's bad luck continued. 58 minutes, Portugal team, Beck, cross, alternate appearance of striker Almeda road, leaping high, the ball into the goal. But Assistant Referee flags to indicate scoring Almeda offside, Czech defence after a false alarm. 100 try always to last a goal. Finally,Cristiano Ronaldo with a potential strong heavy ball knock to remember the doors of the Czech team. 79 minutes, Portugal team Moutinho Beck, high speed after front cross, Almeda points before did not top the ball, Ronaldo after the ambush in bypassing the defense of Selassie dive header, the ball flew into the goal corner. Final, Portugal team with Ronaldo out of gold scored the Czech team. Agence France-Presse, commented after the game, Ronaldo's form has peaked. Ronaldo was to a large extent determines the Portugal team, at this European Cup could go far. 4 3-ball teams in the game, Ronaldo completed his gorgeous transformation in the national team. Local time the evening of 22nd, second one-fourth will win the final hot Germany and Greece between

Warsaw news: euro 2012 quarter-final 21 days late local time, begin. Portugal with cristiano ronaldo (cristiano ronaldo) in the second half of the key goal 1 1-0 victory over the Czech republic, into the semi-finals. the game, cristiano ronaldo continue the good state,And his teammates in the two wide frequency conversion, often make not careful. 35 minutes, Portugal win free kick up opportunity. Cristiano ronaldo take the free-kick around a fly to the far end goal, but the ball and the sliding door. 44 minutes, Portugal MeiLei rice from long range, cristiano ronaldo after the ball on his chest forced swift counter-attack,The ball hit the post after a partial. The first-half and luck never stand in cristiano ronaldo side. Czech republic played the role of the practice in the first half, goalkeeper petr cech made a fine save many times. The Czech republic to cristiano ronaldo, nani and focusing on people, postiga-Whenever these players ball had always have the Czech player closing down. The Czech republic tactical very clear, in the premise of solid defensively grasp opportunity to fight back. 18 minutes, Czech republic precise crosses on the right, the ground baros spurned shovel shot, but speeds too fast 更多: , baros not touched the ball.This is also the Czech republic from the game last chance to score. into the second half, Portugal to continue the trend of siege, game shooting times up to 20 times. The 49 minutes, cristiano ronaldo again take the free kick. He play the "elevator ball" around a again, and again hit the post.Portugal long bad luck still goes on. 58 minutes, Portugal the right cross, substitute striker when Hugo almeida lobbed the middle high to head home, headed into the goal. But assistant referee flags for offside goal when Hugo almeida lobbed for of, the Czech defence a false alarm. attempt always for the final that a goal. Finally, cristiano ronaldo with a "damning header open the door of the Czech republic. On 79 minutes, Portugal's right before jose mourinho's high-speed then inserted, the balls when Hugo almeida lobbed no top to the ball,Ambush in the point of cristiano ronaldo around sierra west defense breathe-taking stuff, the ball into the top corner. eventually, Portugal with cristiano ronaldo scored the Czech republic is out of gold. AFP comments after the game, says cristiano ronaldo scored competitive state has to get to the top.Cristiano ronaldo performance largely determines the Portugal in the euro can walk far. Four games scored three goals, and cristiano ronaldo completed his luxuriant in the national transformation. local time and day night, the second quarter final tie in the hotly fancied between Germany and Greece


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